
20 stories about Interview
Gili May - CTech

IAI: “We do real stuff which keeps Israel and the world safer”

24.08.21|James Spiro
On the brink of beating eBay at a game of basketball, IAI spoke to CTech about its place in the world
Dror Shimoni - CTech

How does HoneyBook tackle its employee wellbeing?

23.08.21|James Spiro
HoneyBook’s Dror Shimoni discusses how the company helps employees remain social and healthy in the Covid era
Miki Sokolovsky - CTech

Israeli SMBs flocked to eBay during Covid lockdowns

23.08.21|James Spiro
Speaking during a basketball game between tech companies, eBay’s Miki Sokolovsky shares some eCommerce insights from the last year
Ronni Zehavi - CTech

Hibob: “The way people work is fundamentally changing”

22.08.21|James Spiro
Speaking during a friendly game of basketball, Hibob Co-founder and CEO Ronni Zehavi shares how he envisages work after the pandemic
Danit Kellmer - CTech

Cobwebs is “like a second home for our employees”

22.08.21|James Spiro
Speaking at a basketball game between Israeli tech companies, Danit Kellmer shares what makes the cybersecurity company different from the rest
Shlomi Kofman

“Every nation has its advantages and it has its disadvantages. And we have both too.”

Being a Consul General of Israel means telling the story of Israel, Shlomi Kofman tells Michael Matias
Limor Segev Pecan

"Everybody knows that the dynamic between VP product and the CEO is something that you need to address. It can be complex.”

Limor Segev, VP product at Pecan, speaks to Michael Matias about finding the right values for the company through honesty and trust.
Amit Daniel Cognyte

"Make sure that you clearly understand the messaging and the narrative before you jump"

For any company rebranding, Amit Daniel from Cognyte shares with Michael Matias that it is crucial to begin those efforts within the company
מוסף שבועי 12.8.21 אור עופר

A diamond in the rough: The story of SimilarWeb founder Or Offer

15.08.21|Sophie Shulman
“I'm really a Cinderella story," says Offer, who got started in business with his parents’ jewelry stores and now heads a company worth $1.8 billion. “You want to quit ten times along the way, but you can not because you know you have to get to the finish line"
Jillian Goldberg GuardKnox

"I do completely buy into the fact that education is the most powerful tool with which to change the world.”

Jillian Goldberg, VP of marketing and investor relations at GuardKnox, talks to Michael Matias about her career - from education to cybersecurity and everything in between.
lool ventures founders

“We experienced a crisis, now we expect a boom”

14.08.21|Daniel Farber-Ball
lool Ventures co-founders believe that good things are ahead for the Israeli tech industry, but warn that “it is important to keep the success in Israel”
Asaf Eldad  Incredibuild

Netflix’s foray into gaming hopes to take on Fortnite

13.08.21|James Spiro
The streaming service is struggling to get new subscribers, and an attempt to tap into a $160 billion industry might help it maintain its market dominance
Shimon Tolts Datree

“I really believe in meeting with young entrepreneurs and helping them like people helped me.”

Shimon Tolts, founder and CEO of Datree, returns to 20-Minute Leaders to talk to Michael Matias about his Covid year
Yoni Zvikt Papaya Gaming

The one game Papaya Gaming won’t play

11.08.21|James Spiro
Its games are storming app stores in the U.S, but the Israeli company is looking to grow its portfolio before seeking new funds
טלי שם טוב

Breaking the glass ceiling for women in tech

09.08.21|Daniel Farber-Ball
Speedvalue co-founder Tali Shem Tov is the only woman CEO of a tech company traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange
Zviki Ben-Ishay Lightico S

“We managed to go through (quarantine). It kind of tells you that there is no thing that can break you."

Zviki Ben-Ishay, co-founder and CEO of Lightico, speaks to Michael Matias about Covid-19 and how it impacted the company.
כנס גיימינג Ctech Guy Ben-Dov

GamesIS predicts the gaming market will “triple itself” in five years

08.08.21|James Spiro
Speaking at Gaming2021, GameIS Volunteering Chairman Guy Ben-Dov shares how the ecosystem can prepare for its expected growth
כנס גיימינג Ctech Or Ben Shimon

“With Comunix, the idea is to unite people, everywhere”

08.08.21|James Spiro
Speaking at Gaming2021, Comunix’s Co-founder and CEO discusses how its platform helps online communities thrive offline
Uri Marchand

Overwolf: Game studios must be welcoming towards the gaming community

06.08.21|James Spiro
Speaking at Gaming2021, Overwolf Co-founder and CEO Uri Marchand talks about the shift in gaming culture and how studios can better serve players and developers
כנס גיימינג Ctech Inbal Lavi

The ‘gamification’ of dancing is here

05.08.21|James Spiro
Speaking at Gaming2021, Co-Founder and CEO Inbal Lavi discusses how Woah Edutainment uses gamification to teach dance moves