
20 stories about Interview
Itai Hayut - Scopio Labs

Not under the microscope: Scopio Labs transforms blood testing

06.11.22|Yonatan Sredni
Co-founder & CEO Itai Hayut shares how his Israeli startup streamlines the hematologic diagnostic process while rendering blood lab microscopes obsolete
Slava Bronfman 20

“Identifying what I don't know is one of the hardest things to do.”

Figuring out what he doesn’t know and asking others for help with it is a big part of the success of Slava Bronfman, CEO of Cybellum
Lilach Ritter  VCITA 20

“I'm still finding my own way to lead in a very true-to-myself way.”

The relationships between people are part of what makes management more of a challenge than technical jobs, says Lilach Ritter, a group leader at VCITA.
מוסף שבועי נשיא פאלו אלטו - ניקש ארורה

Palo Alto Networks CEO: “We will be the first $100 billion cyber company"

28.10.22|Sophie Shulman
An exclusive interview with Nikesh Arora, CEO of Palo Alto Networks, who in his last three positions—starting at Google, moving on to SoftBank, and ending in Palo Alto— became the most highly compensated executive on Wall Street
Peregrine Ventures' leading team - summer 2022.

“There’s almost no important medical technology that’s not completely Israeli or has a big Israeli component”

21.10.22|Yonatan Sredni
In an in-depth exclusive interview, Eyal Lifschitz, co-founder & managing general partner of Peregrine Ventures, Israel's first dedicated healthcare VC fund, gets to the heart of Israeli medtech and where it’s headed
Merav Grossman 20

“Becoming an end-to-end smart factory is a journey.”

Helping industrial plants transform into advanced manufacturing centers that are part of industry 4.0 is a passion for Merav Grossman, CEO of Advanced Manufacturing Institute.
מוסף שבועי 6.10.22 הפסיכולוג הארגוני אדם גרנט

"Israelis have the desire to feel like they are the smartest ones in the room. But that hinders learning"

12.10.22|Roni Dori
Prof. Adam Grant, an organizational psychologist who has advised top executives from Elon Musk to Jeff Bezos, provides an eye-opening explanation as to why it is so difficult for us to admit our mistakes and how we can fix it
אמיר ירון נגיד בנק ישראל

Bank of Israel Governor: “Current interest rate can contain inflation”

11.10.22|Shlomo Teitelbaum
In an exclusive interview, the Governor of the BOI, Amir Yaron, clarifies the need for the interest rate to jump and explains why he’s convinced that Israel will overcome even an extreme economic scenario
Erez Berkner

“There is a new architecture being built that's going to shake the cloud.”

Being part of the next revolution in the cloud excites Erez Berkner, CEO and co-founder of Lumigo.
פרופ' דארון אסמוגלו

“I'm not optimistic about the future of the global economy and I don't expect the next 10 years to be particularly good”

02.10.22|Adrian Filut
Prof. Daron Acemoglu, one of the world's leading economists and a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Economics, sees inflation as a greater threat to democracy and the fight against populism than it is to the cost of living
מיקי בודאי מייסד ומנכ"ל טרנסמיט

After four huge exits, Mickey Boodaei now wants to turn Transmit Security into the Google of the cyber world

30.09.22|Meir Orbach & Diana Bahur-Nir
Serial entrepreneur Boodaei is convinced that Transmit will be the next big thing in the field of online identity security, and according to quite a few signs, he has every reason to be optimistic
Amos Arev 20

“The most interesting and vulnerable business stage is scaling up after the initial investment.”

Getting to help shape a company is the most interesting part of being a technology leader, says Amos Arev, executive vice president of engineering and GM of Israel at Capitolis.
Raviv Melamed Vayyar Imaging 20

“Moving into new markets requires the ability to give people freedom to really take risks.”

Allowing employees the freedom and support to take big risks is necessary to move into new markets, says Raviv Melamed, CEO of Vayyar Imaging.
Yuval Magid 20

“You need to accept that things will break and be willing to build better out of it.”

More employees and managers today are not willing to go along with the way things have always been done, says Yuval Magid, chief operating officer at Connecteam.
Tal Innovid 20

“I am interested in the place where art meets technology.”

As online videos began to flourish, Innovid CTO and co-founder Tal Chalozin was fascinated by how easily he could make things happen with the internet.