
3 stories about Intuit
פרופסור שרית קראוסעם דוקטור אריאל רוזנפלד

AI Takes Center Stage in Israeli Tech

From eBay’s automated personal fashion designer to Amazon’s hunger for local talent: a spotlight on Israel’s AI scene
אורחים Global Investor Summit  של OurCrowd בירושלים 2018 4

Intuit’s AI Team in Israel Develops Overdraft Prediction Service

02.02.18|Asaf Shalev
A year after opening a research and development center in Israel, Intuit has formed a 23-person team of data scientists and engineers who are upgrading the company’s financial software offerings
אוניברסיטה הטכניון טכניון חיפה

Tech Powers Go After Israeli AI Specialists, But Local Talent Is in Over Demand

26.10.17|Amarelle Wenkert
Multinational tech companies planning research and development centers in Israel are straining an already small pool of local AI specialists