
20 stories about Israel
תל אביב מלמעלה בניינים זירת הנדלן

Israel's Inclusion in the FTSE Index Could Affect Local Pensions, Real Estate

27.08.19|Adrian Filut
The pending inclusion is a vote of confidence in Israel's economic strength, but it could also have a negative effect on the local quality of life
הספרייה הלאומית ארכיון דן הדני כתה א

Israel's National Library, Facebook Share Photos of Israeli Schoolchildren Through the Years

26.08.19|Lilach Baumer
The library partnered with Facebook Israel for the venture, calling on people to tag themselves and their family members in around 1,000 school photos from the 1950s onward
כנסת ישראל זירת הנדל"ן

Israel's Public Service Outperforms Private Sector When it Comes to the Gender Gap

26.08.19|Lilach Baumer
Government employees in Israel saw their wages increase by 21% over the last decade, compared with an 11% increase in the private market
תל אביב מבט מעל זירת הנדלן

Less Young Israelis Can Afford to Buy Their Own Apartments, Report Says

22.08.19|Raheli Bindman
Data published recently by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics paints a troubling picture: less and less young Israelis are able to buy an apartment, especially if they are married and have young children
אמזון מחסן

Local Market Politics Make Israeli Retailers Hesitant to Join Amazon, Experts Say

22.08.19|Nurit Kadosh
On Wednesday, Amazon notified Israeli retailers on its platform that the “ships locally” filter will soon be available for Israel, enabling consumers with an Israeli IP to look for products with local service and a fast shipping offer in-country
הנשיא ראובן ריבלין נשיא דרום קוריאה מון ג'יאה-אין סאול 15.7.19

Israel to Exempt South Korean Cars, Baths, Soy Sauce From Customs Duty

Israel and South Korea have completed their negotiations on a free trade agreement that would exempt imports and exports of certain types of products from tariff
אמזון מחסן

Amazon’s Israeli Service One Step Closer

21.08.19|Meirav Crystal
On Wednesday morning, Israeli retailers on Amazon’s platform received an email from the company, notifying them that the “ships locally” filter will soon be available for Israel
זקן כיסא גלגלים ביטוח בריאות ביטוח סיעודי

In Israel, Heart Disease Mortality Is Down, Dementia Deaths Are Up, Says New Report

19.08.19|Lilach Baumer
On Thursday, the Israeli Ministry of Health published a report detailing the leading causes of death in the country
חדר מיון בית חולים וולפסון

Israel Spent More on Health in 2018, Still Below OECD Average

19.08.19|Lilach Baumer
Last year, Israel spent 7.6% of its GDP on health, a 4.3% increase from 2017. The OECD average was 8.8% that same year
ירון גלאי אאוטבריין

Outbrain Asks Israeli Elections Committee to Keep an Eye on Facebook and Google

14.08.19|Zvi Zerahia
Public trust in online or media-generated information is vastly more important than profit, said Outbrain CEO Yaron Galai
מטה אמזון סאניווייל סן פרנסיסקו

Amazon’s AWS to Set Up CloudFront Infrastructure in Israel

14.08.19|Meir Orbach
CloudFront, AWS’ CDN, will facilitate accelerated content distribution and better cybersecurity services to customers in Israel
פלסטינים מפגינים במחסום עופר הישראלי ליד רמאללה

Palestinian Authority Is Ill-Prepared to Live Up to its Threat of Economic Disengagement From Israel

13.08.19|Doron Peskin
Prominent voices within the Palestinian administration are calling for withdrawal from previous economic arrangements with Israel in protest of the country withholding Palestinian tax money
סופי שולמן בשיחה עם מייקל אייזנברג מ קרן אלף כנס משקיעים 2019

What the Latest Streak of Mega-Investments Means for Israeli Tech

08.08.19|Hagar Ravet
This summer has been good for the Israeli tech industry, with three massive deals bringing in over $500 million combined
העיר תל אביב מלמעלה  זירת הנדל"ן

S&P Reaffirms Israel’s AA- Credit Rating With a Stable Outlook

04.08.19|Adrian Filut
The credit agency said Israel’s economy is “diversified, competitive, and resilient,” and that the country’s main credit limiters are geo-political risks and government debt
יזמיות היי טק בצילום קבוצתי עם מיצג של אנגלה מרקל

The Israeli Employment Market: a Timestamp

01.08.19|Lilach Baumer
On Wednesday, the Israeli Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services published a report for 2018, detailing the current state of the local employment market
הבורסה לניירות ערך רחוב אחוזת בית תל אביב

TASE Stock IPO Oversubscribed

29.07.19|Raheli Bindman
The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange will be closing the pricing stage of its stock offering Monday
קנאביס קנביס רפואי מריחואנה יצוא

Intended to Usher in the New Age of Medical Cannabis, Israel’s Reform Puts the Brakes on Everything

28.07.19|Adrian Filut and Tzally Greenberg
Two-thirds of patients have seen the price of their cannabis increase, growers and manufacturers are losing a piece of their pie to pharmacies, and Israel’s Ministries of Health and Finance cannot find a middle ground
אמזון מחסן מחסנים חבילות

Amazon to Launch in Israel in September

23.07.19|Navit Zomer and Meirav Crystal
The company is waiting until it has signed up at least 100 Israeli retail shops, according to local retailers
לילך אשר טופילסקי מנכלית בנק דיסקונט

Recent Banking Sector Upheaval Leaves Israel Even More Bereft of Female Leaders

22.07.19|Hagar Ravet
A recent Standard & Poor's report revealed that soon, of the 125 highest capitalized companies on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, only one will have a female CEO
אורי לוין בנק דיסקונט דוב קוטלר אינטו

One Is Home-Grown, the Other an Outsider: Discount and Hapoalim's New CEOs

16.07.19|Raheli Bindman
Uri Levin is set to enter Lilach Asher-Topilsky’s shoes as CEO of Israeli Bank Discount, and Dov Kotler will inherit Arik Pinto as CEO of Hapoalim. These are the challenges they will face