
20 stories about Israel
Israel Sweden For SNC USE Only ישראל שוודיה שבדיה

Sweden, Israel launch joint platform to drive innovative R&D projects

01.09.20|Start-Up Nation Central, a CTech partner
Vinnova, The Swedish Trade and Invest Council and the Swedish Embassy in Israel have joined forces with Start-Up Nation Central to establish “The Connector,” a platform for cultivating joint R&D projects between Swedish corporations and Israeli innovation
תל אביב זירת הנדלן

Will Israeli FinTech continue to thrive in the post-coronavirus era?

31.08.20|Yair Fonarov and Meir Valman, Start-Up Nation Central, a CTech partner
Israeli FinTech companies that survive the current crisis will see more business opportunities, as COVID-19 has accelerated many trends toward technology adoption
מטוס אל על בדרך לאיחוד האמירויות 31.8.20

Israeli and U.S. officials arrive in Abu Dhabi on historic flight from Ben-Gurion

The delegation is meeting with UAE officials to discuss the details of the historic peace deal between the two countries announced earlier this month
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Dubai’s free trade zone spells opportunity for Israeli businesses, says Israel Shipyards’ Shlomi Fogel

Shlomi Fogel, co-owner of private shipbuilding company Israel Shipyards and chairman of financing firm Ampa Capital spoke Wednesday at Calcalist’s online conference on the business potential the UAE presents for Israel
אלן פלד ו יפעת אורון ועידת האמירויות

Israel Arab sector presented with huge opportunity in UAE deal

26.08.20|Meir Orbach
Alan Feld, co-founder and Managing Partner at Vintage Investment Partners, and Yifat Oron, Leumitech CEO, believe that the agreement could prove to be significant for the local tech market already in the near future
Vijay Tirathrai TechStars Dubai

Israeli and UAE Techstars leaders excited by opportunities new deal offers

23.08.20|Allon Sinai
"This paves the way for investment flows across the two states and allows for deeper relations and friendship and it allows for stability and peace in the longer term," said Vijay Tirathrai, head of Abu Dhabi Techstars hub
מייסדים אריאלי קפיטל אור חביב אריק בנטוב

Arieli Capital and Ramat Hanegev promote collaboration with UAE on desert agriculture

UAE representatives were the ones who sought out the initial contact with the Ramat Hanegev Innovation Center and several meetings have already taken place in Europe
איחוד האמירויות

Deals under the radar: These are the Israeli tech companies already operating in the UAE

18.08.20|Sophie Shulman, Hagar Ravet, Meir Orbach
Cooperations in the fields of insurtech, biomedicine, fintech, agtech and cyber lead the way, but the potential for future purchases and investments is vast
יקי ינאי מנכ"ל חברת הביו-טכנולוגיה פלוריסטם

Israeli-based Pluristem and Abu Dhabi Stem Cells Center sign deal to collaborate in development of cell therapies

Agreement comes just days after Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) announce intention to fully normalize diplomatic relations
חוף הים דובאי איחוד האמירויות

Before the ink dries: Everything you need to know about the UAE’s economy

16.08.20|Doron Peskin
Israeli companies aiming to break into the UAE market will find a local thirst in several sectors, including retail digitization, cybersecurity and health
דונלד טראמפ נשיא ארה"ב מוחמד בן זייד שליט איחוד האמירויות

Which country is signing a peace agreement with Israel and what are Israelis buying on eBay during Covid-19?

CTech Daily Roundup: Trump announces “historic” peace agreement between Israel and UAE via Twitter
מגזין יום העצמאות דיויד ממן מייסד ומנכ"ל חברת בינה

Big in Japan: Israel’s has partnered with four Japanese companies

12.08.20|James Spiro
The four companies operate in the healthcare, insurance, and network infrastructure industries
אריק דנון שגריר צרפת בישראל

Bon Appétit: Ambassador says France has a large appetite for gourmet Israeli tech

06.08.20|Allon Sinai
Ambassador of France to Israel Eric Danon says there is much admiration in France towards the Israeli innovation ecosystem
שי לובשיס נספח כלכלי יוסטון

It is time to mess with Texas, urges Israel's Houston trade rep

31.07.20|Allon Sinai
Despite the potential cultural stumbling block, Shay Luvshis believes Israeli startups and companies shouldn't miss out on the chance to do business in the Lone Star State
בדיקת קורונה במי ביוב

Israeli scientists work with Kando to pinpoint Covid-19 outbreaks in the sewers

30.07.20|James Spiro
In a new surveillance pilot project, results can help warn authorities about potential outbreaks and prevent lockdowns
Digital Life 1

With cheap, but only adequate Internet access, Israel ranks 8th in digital quality of life

30.07.20|James Spiro
The 2020 global index by Surfshark ranks the quality of digital life in 85 countries
Noach Hager managing partner at Cukierman Investments House

Unprecedented challenges require unprecedented actions

28.07.20|Allon Sinai
Managing partner at Cukierman & Co. Investment House, Noach Hager, is optimistic regarding the Israeli economy's long-term future, but is expecting some difficult days to come first
Mentorship Accelerator

Covid-19 might finally fix Israel’s public transportation, thanks to new accelerator

22.07.20|James Spiro
A new accelerator from The Israeli Association of Intelligent Transportation Systems (Israel - ITS) will tackle smart mobility and infrastructure for a post-Covid world
ינון אלרועי ראש הנציגות הכלכלית של משרד הכלכלה והתעשייה בניו יורק

The U.S. response to Covid-19 affects Israeli businesses, say Israeli investors

19.07.20|James Spiro
Speaking at The Israeli Business Forum of New York, Israeli business leaders discuss all the ways the U.S. is helping - or hindering - the Israeli economy
הדר שור נספח כלכלי צ'ילה

Resolute Chile ready for Israeli tech solutions, says trade attaché

13.07.20|Allon Sinai
Hadar Shor believes Chile should be an obvious market for Israeli companies and can also serve as a perfect springboard to the rest of South America