Israel Innovation Authority

20 stories about Israel Innovation Authority
עסקים ב קבלה לחיצת ידיים

Israel Innovation Authority issues call for proposals for joint R&D projects with U.S. companies

09.07.20|James Spiro
Applicants will be eligible for a grant of up to 50% of the approved R&D costs, in the form of a conditional grant
ועידת התחזיות 31.12.19 אהרון אהרון מנכ"ל רשות החדשנות

Israel Innovation Authority to invest almost $4 million in bio-convergence R&D programs

This is the IIA’s first call for proposals from academia and industry in the field of bio-convergence in 2020, with the Israeli government's tech investment arm hoping this will pave the way for commercial deployment
פינת עבודה מחשב נייח עבודה מהבית

Survey finds Israeli tech workers taking Covid-19 salary cuts on the chin

25.06.20|Maayan Manela
While wages have been cut, the drop in income has been relatively small and the sector is still expected to pull Israel out of the crisis
תל אביב נתיבי איילון פקק תנועה פקקים כביש

Tel Aviv’s busiest road is set to become a staging ground for autotech experiments

23.06.20|Tomer Hadar
Ayalon freeway to pilot smart transportation solutions with companies who can’t conduct trials abroad
אהרון אהרון מנכל רשות החדשנות

Space Florida, Israel Innovation Authority announce winners of innovation partner funding

In October 2013, Florida and Israel established a $2 million recurring joint fund to support research, development, and commercialization of aerospace and technology projects that benefit both Israel and Florida
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Israel’s securities and innovation authorities team up to launch ‘Data Sandbox’

09.06.20|Meir Orbach
The initiative is set to promote the activity of fintech companies in Israel as part of the ISA's strategy to modernize the Israeli stock market
ועידת התחזיות 31.12.19 אהרון אהרון מנכ"ל רשות החדשנות

IIA approves $43 million budget for three R&D consortiums

The consortiums will combine the efforts of academic researchers and industry leaders to develop new technological solutions for autonomous vehicles command and control systems, laser material processing, and quantum communications
נעמי קריגר כרמי רשות החדשנות

Nearly $3 million earmarked for innovative Israeli tech for people with disabilities

07.06.20|Hagar Ravet
Israel Innovation Authority and National Insurance Funds want to promote research and development of life-changing technologies
אהרון אהרון מנכל רשות החדשנות

Israel Innovation Authority Approves Establishment of Genome Editing Consortium

03.06.20|Adi Pick
The consortium will be allocated with a total of NIS 36 million (approximately $10.36 million) for a period of 18 months
עובדים משרד מחשבים אופן ספייס

Covid-19 Does not Have to Mean an Untimely Demise for Young Israeli Startups

02.06.20|Meir Orbach
If Israel wants its growth engine back on track, it is going to have to be far more creative and generous
פתרון הטכנולוגי שיחמם את המים במקלחות חיילי צה"ל משרד הביטחון וחברת ברנמילר אנרג'י

Israeli Military Outpost Pilots Energy-Saving Solution for Heating Shower Water

The heat recovery from the existing generators allows hot water to be supplied without the burning of additional fuels. It saves about 36,000 liters of diesel fuel per year, and reduces pollutant emissions of about 112 tons of carbon dioxide a year
שלט חנות סגורה

Immediate Threat: 80 Small Tech Companies in Danger of Closing Within Three Months

31.05.20|Meir Orbach
A survey conducted among 414 companies by the Israel Innovation Authority and IATI indicates that investors have stopped fundraising processes and that sales of a quarter of the companies have fallen by more than half since the Covid-19 outbreak
אהרון אהרון מנכ"ל רשות החדשנות 17.4.19

Covid-19 May Have Hurt the Economy, but Israeli Innovation is Here to Stay

28.05.20|Ron Friedman
Israel Innovation Authority CEO Aharon Aharon says agile tech sector will rebound within a year
ועידת התחזיות 31.12.19 אהרון אהרון מנכ"ל רשות החדשנות

Israel Launched $145 Million Program to Protect Institutional Investments in Tech

17.05.20|Meir Orbach
Each of the 6-12 institutional bodies selected for the program will be eligible to up to 50% put option protection for its investment of up to $85 million in Israeli early stage startups
אהרון אהרון מנכל רשות החדשנות

Innovation Authority Invites Israeli Companies to Participate in Pilot with World-Leading Medical Centers

13.05.20|Hagar Ravet
The IIA program will offer financial support of up to 50% of the project’s approved research and development budget.
ועידת הדיגיטל והמובייל הילה גולדמן אצלאן מייסדת ומנכ"לית Imagin Dia

Medical Analytics Company DiA Aims to Detect Heart Complications in Coronavirus Patients

13.05.20|Meir Orbach
DiA develops pattern recognition and machine learning software that can generate automated image analysis, and be implemented in ultrasound devices and medical picture archiving and communication systems (PACS)
שגיא דגן

Israel Innovation Authority Doubling Down on Strapped Tech Startups

12.05.20|Naomi Zoreff
Sagi Dagan, Vice President, Growth Division says the authority is determined to give the industry’s good companies a longer runway to survive the pandemic
ילד דגל ישראל אנשים

Israeli Startups Urgently Need a Government Aid Package to Prevent Layoffs

10.05.20|Tal Barnoach and Arik Kleinstein
VC partners call on the state to allocate a billion dollars to save the tech startup ecosystem and tens of thousands of jobs
רועי סער קרן מנגרוב

Mangrove Capital Exec says Israeli Tech Does not Need a Bailout but Could Definitely use a Slight Nudge

07.05.20|Roy Saar
Roy Saar responds to fellow investors who called on the Israeli government to refrain from bailing out startups
מובילאיי שיא גינס למספר האנשים הגדול ביותר שהשתמשו יחד ב משקפי מציאות מדומה VR

XRHealth Receives $450,000 Grant from the Israeli Innovation Authority to Fight Covid-19

Virtual reality therapy to be deployed in hospitals in Israel with telehealth services to combat general health issues, mental health, and rehabilitation