3 stories about KPI
יעל שפריר

Learning under uncertainty

07.03.22|Yael Shafrir
The only thing we know is that we don’t know what happens next - whether that’s the healthcare system or the education system. So how can we help our children learn better?
Ran Zussman SeaLights

Do you really need to spend so many resources on your KPI’s?

06.03.22|Ran Zussman
"With multiple tools and too many integrations, companies forget the goal they are after. Unfortunately, the main interest is to use the tools that everyone uses with the thought that if it’s right for them, then it must be right for us," writes Ran Zussman of SeaLights
A manager looking at figures while ignoring his employee

A business can’t be managed based on data alone

24.01.21|Shaul Olmert
As much as we rely on figures for making business decisions, you shouldn’t sanctify KPIs