Leumi Tech

6 stories about Leumi Tech
Timor _alt Nimrod

Buy-up nation: Acqui-hires - the next growth tier for Israel's startup ecosystem

29.07.22|Nimrod Vromen, Timor Arbel-Sadras
The time is ripe for acqui-hires, the purchase of one company by another to retain the business's employees, write Nimrod Vromen & Timor Arbel-Sadras, especially for startups
קו רקיע מרכז תל אביב Tel Aviv Business Center

Despite downturn, Israeli startups raise $9.8 billion in first half of 2022

13.07.22|Meir Orbach
While this figure represents a decline of 30% compared to the second half of last year, this is still a very impressive sum considering startups raised a total of $10.3 billion in all of 2020
תימור ארבל סרדס מנכלית לאומיטק

“High-tech is the engine of the Israeli economy and the banks must be there”

16.03.22|Meir Orbach
In an exclusive interview with Calcalist, LeumiTech CEO Timor Arbel-Sadras talks fundraising, credit, Ukraine, and what’s in store for 2022
קובי הבר מכהן כראש החטיבה העסקית והמסחרית של בנק לאומי ועידת ניו יורק

Aggressive Competition Over Talent Hurts Israeli Tech, Says Head of LeumiTech

Yaakov (Koby) Haber, chairman of LeumiTech, spoke at Calcalist’s Mind the Tech conference in New York last week
בנק אוף צ'יינה

Bank of China Partners with Israeli Bank to Extend Credit to Israeli Companies

04.12.17|Golan Hazani
The Bank partnered with Israel’s Bank Leumi, one of the two largest banks in Israel. According to the deal, the two banks will collaborate to extend credit up to $200 million to Israeli companies operating in China