
5 stories about Loop
Altooro Wasim Mo אלטורו וסים אבו סאלם ומוחמד מיטוואלי

Altooro’s platform helps companies “evaluate skills, not resumes”

The company has raised $2.5 million to scout hidden gems and identify creative users, superstars, and outliers for the tech sector
סיטק פריפריה נצרת Mo Mitwaly

Nazareth: A modern-day ‘David and Goliath’

09.03.22|James Spiro
Mo Mitwaly, Mentor at Loop and Founder at Altooro, speaks to CTech about the Arab city and draws parallels to the biblical tale
סיטק פריפריה נצרת Wasim Abu Salem

“There is a lot of hidden potential and a lot of interesting talent that we need to support in Nazareth”

07.03.22|James Spiro
Speaking as part of CTech’s Out of the Bubble, Wasim Abu Salem, Founder at Loop, discusses the future of entrepreneurship in Nazareth
טום סאקי מנכ"ל TerraCycle ועידת ניו יורק 2019

99% of What We Buy, We Don't Actually Want to Own, Says TerraCycle CEO

16.04.19|Adi Pick
Tom Szaky, the founder and CEO of waste management company TerraCycle, spoke at Calcalist’s Mind the Tech conference in New York Thursday
הפרות סדר עימותים ב גבול רצועת עזה גדר

CTech’s Weekly Roundup of Israeli Tech News

Israeli-made UAV dumps skunk-water on Gaza protesters. Homegrown content distribution company boosted the Israeli song ahead of Eurovision final.