
10 stories about Luxembourg
David Foy, Luxinnovation, (third from the right) speaking on the panel “International dialogue of cyber leaders on the greatest cyber challenges of 2024” at Cybertech Tel Aviv 2024

Cybersecurity: Building bridges to Europe

16.05.24|Sponsored Content
Internationally renowned for its technological excellence, the Israeli cybersecurity ecosystem has developed solutions that could find an interesting market in Europe
HealthTech #NoMatterWhat panel at HealthIL Week 2024

Accessing the EU digital healthtech market from Luxembourg

18.02.24|Sponsored Content
Over the past 15 years, Luxembourg has built an ecosystem where healthtech companies can flourish and tailor their offering to the regulations of the EU market.
Luxembourg City


06.09.22|sponsored content
In just a few years, Luxembourg has developed an extremely attractive environment for the establishment and development or start-ups. Financing, advice, opportunities for growth in Europe: the country is a real haven for Innovative companies.
Franz Fayot, Luxembourg’s Minister of the Economy

“Global players of all sizes use Luxembourg as a gateway to Europe and beyond”

10.07.22|Sponsored content
With its flourishing and dynamic economy, Luxembourg presents itself as a particularly attractive international hub in the heart of Europe. Franz Fayot, Minister of the Economy, talks about the country’s strengths and his vision for the future.
מימין מייסד אמזון ג'ף בזוס ו מייסד פייסבוק מארק צוקרברג

Luxembourg showing the way in GDPR tech giant fines

08.02.22|Viki Auslander
A DLA Piper report found that an all-time record in penalties for violating privacy regulations was recorded in 2021, with Amazon and Facebook suffering the heaviest penalties