Marine Biology

3 stories about Marine Biology
Atarim Tel Aviv port

Coastline conundrum: "We are trying to find a new sector, a new opportunity of developing the blue economy"

05.12.22|Yonatan Sredni
Marine biologist Rotem Trivizki takes CTech on a deep dive into how Atarim and Migdalor are harnessing Israel’s greatest natural resource - the sea - for everyone’s benefit
Dr. Aviad Scheinin Haifa

National Geographic names Haifa professor as an ‘Emerging Explorer’

31.05.21|James Spiro
University of Haifa’s Dr. Aviad Scheinin is the second Israeli to receive the honor
צים ספינה

Dutch Port Technologies Accelerator Announces 2018 Startup Selection

17.02.18|Amarelle Wenkert
PortXL, the world’s only startup accelerator dedicated to maritime and port-related technologies, is based in Rotterdam, home to Europe’s largest seaport