Mickey Boodaei

5 stories about Mickey Boodaei
מיקי בודאי מייסד ומנכ"ל טרנסמיט

After four huge exits, Mickey Boodaei now wants to turn Transmit Security into the Google of the cyber world

30.09.22|Meir Orbach & Diana Bahur-Nir
Serial entrepreneur Boodaei is convinced that Transmit will be the next big thing in the field of online identity security, and according to quite a few signs, he has every reason to be optimistic
מימין מיקי בודאי ו ראקש לונקאר מייסדי טרנסמיט סקיוריטי Transmit Security

Transmit Security’s serial unicorn entrepreneurs strike again

25.06.21|Hagar Ravet and Meir Orbach
The Israeli cybersecurity company’s recent $543 million round was just the latest on a long list of successes by its founders, Mickey Boodaei and Rakesh Loonkar, highlighting how much easier it is for returning entrepreneurs to raise funds and recruit employees
מוסף עצמאות 14.4.21 מיקי בודאי מייסד Transmit Security

“You need a lot of willpower to reject the money being pushed on you these days”

14.04.21|Meir Orbach
Mickey Boodaei, the founder of Transmit Security, wants to take the burden of security off of mobile users’ hands
מיקי בודאי Mickey Boodaei Gateways Stampa

Mickey Boodaei: Israeli cyber's unheralded entrepreneur

Boodaei is considered to be one of the country's most successful cyber entrepreneurs in the last decade
כנס סייבר 2020 מיקי בודאי

Two Phone Calls Are Not Enough to Verify a User’s Identity, Says Cyber Investor

17.12.19|Naomi Zoref
Mickey Boodaei, a veteran cyber investor and entrepreneur, spoke Monday at Calcalist’s Cyber 2020 conference