Mind the Tech London

20 stories about Mind the Tech London
פיץ ועידת לונדון 2024 מיכל צוקצן כץ Pich Mind The Tech London 2024 Michal Tzuchman Katz וידאו

Kahun Medical: Addressing the limitations of GenAI for clinical content

ניר צוק ועידת לונדון

Palo Alto Networks’ Nir Zuk: “The cyber market is maturing. Small companies have a problem selling standalone solutions that big companies provide”

24.09.24|Meir Orbach
“We prefer acquisitions. The reason we prefer acquisitions is because when a large company develops something new, the people that are doing it don't have the same incentives as those that do it in their startup. In a large company it’s not life or death if something you develop is successful or not,” added Zuk.
ועידת Mind the Tech לונדון 2024 - חנן פרידמן מנכל בנק לאומי וידאו

Bank Leumi CEO: "We will invest in technologies that could save lives in the battlefields"

24.09.24|Hanan Friedman
"The main reason why Israelis are experts in solving problems is because we don't have a choice," said Hanan Friedman, who was speaking during the Mind the Tech London conference.
ועידת Mind the Tech לונדון 2024 אורי גרינבאום מייסד משותף ומנכל Tipranks וידאו

"AI ​​technology developed by TipRanks summarizes investment risks for you"

24.09.24|Sophie Shulman
According to Uri Gruenbaum, Co-Founder and CEO of TipRanks, speaking at Calcalist and Bank Leumi's Mind the Tech London conference, "If you don't want to read 40 pages, TipRanks consolidates all the information from the web for you into three points"
ועידת Mind the Tech לונדון 2024 אריק שטילמן מייסד משותף ומנכל Rapyd

Rapyd CEO: "We moved to profitability this year and AI will triple our EBITDA margins in the next three years"

24.09.24|Sophie Shulman
Arik Shtilman, co-founder and CEO of Rapyd, added that the company is planning to go public in 2026 and that "we plan to automate 70% of back-office services by 2026. This will significantly improve our profitability, as 70% of our costs are personnel-related."
סיטק ועידת לונדון 2024 אילן יוסים ו נטע ספיר CTech Mind The Tech London 2024 Ilan Yusim and Neta Sapir וידאו

“X is indispensable when it comes to launching an AI product”

22.09.24|Ariela Karmel
Ilan Yusim, Client Partner Manager at X,  and Neta Sapir, X’s Israel Country Manager, spoke to CTech at Calcalist and Bank Leumi’s Mind the Tech conference in London about how AI is being utilized by X and how AI companies are using the platform in turn.
סיטק ועידת לונדון 2024 אייל מלינגר CTech Mind The Tech London 2024 Eyal Malinger וידאו

Resurge Growth Partners on connecting Israeli and UK tech

22.09.24|Ariela Karmel
Eyal Malinger, Managing Partner at Resurge Growth Partners, spoke to CTech at Calcalist and Bank Leumi’s Mind the Tech conference in London about how Israel and UK tech companies differ.
סיטק ועידת לונדון 2024 דנה אבן חן CTech Mind The Tech London 2024 Dana Even Chen וידאו

More Israeli tech workers relocating to UK every year

22.09.24|Ariela Karmel
Dana Even-Chen, Managing Director at Easy LandOn, spoke to CTech at Calcalist and Bank Leumi’s Mind the Tech conference in London about Israeli tech workers relocating to the UK.
ועידת Mind the Tech לונדון 2024 - אירוע IBCC ולונדון אנד פרטנרס – מימין סברין וייסמן אדריאנו קושיאמה עופר שעיו אניטה לביאנט סם בני ו ניל בריידן וידאו

"London has the largest concentration of AI companies today"

19.09.24|Meir Orbach
Anita Leviant, President of the Israel-Britain Chamber of Commerce, said during a roundtable event at Mind the Tech London: "AI brings new and significant challenges, including the need for rules which necessary ethics."
ועידת Mind the Tech לונדון 2024 דניאלה גלבוע מייסדת משותפת ומנכלית AIVF וידאו

"By the end of the century, 5% of the world's population will be created by IVF"

19.09.24|Hagay Gilboa
This is what Daniella Gilboa, Co-Founder and CEO of AIVF, said at Calcalist and Bank Leumi’s Mind the Tech London conference. The company aims to optimize and improve in vitro fertilization treatments using AI 
סיטק ועידת לונדון 2024 שחר צפריר CTech Mind The Tech London 2024 Shahar Tzafrir וידאו

“There's a major tectonic shift happening in the defensetech industry”

19.09.24|James Spiro
Shahar Tzafrir, Managing Partner at TLV Partners, spoke to CTech at Mind The Tech in London.
סיטק ועידת לונדון 2024 תומר מיכאלי CTech Mind The Tech London 2024 Tomer Michaeli וידאו

“There was a lot of hesitation when investing in Israeli or Israeli-associated funds,” after the war, says Viola FinTech

19.09.24|James Spiro
“AI and GenAI will drive enormous innovation in general, including in Israel and in fintech,” added Tomer Michaeli, General Partner at Viola FinTech, speaking to CTech at Mind the Tech London.