Ministry of Defense

16 stories about Ministry of Defense
נטע בלום יזמת ומנכ"לית את

Trailblazing tech exec wants to make sure Israeli girls follow her path in the male-dominated industry

14.08.20|Allon Sinai
Senior MoD researcher Neta Blum founded an empowerment program for girls after getting tired of being the only woman in the room
שיגור לוויין הריגול אופק 16 5.7.20

The first images from Israel’s Ofek 16 satellite have been received from space

15.07.20|James Spiro
The satellite is operated by the Israel Ministry of Defense (IMoD) and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)
נשק מתוצרת רמינגטון האמריקאית ב תערוכה ב נבדה ינואר 2018

Israeli defense exports drop by 5%, ministry to focus on G2G deals

22.06.20|Udi Etsion
Head of exports division says Covid-19 devastated global defense sector, Asia Pacific countries remain biggest buyers
פתרון הטכנולוגי שיחמם את המים במקלחות חיילי צה"ל משרד הביטחון וחברת ברנמילר אנרג'י

Israeli Military Outpost Pilots Energy-Saving Solution for Heating Shower Water

The heat recovery from the existing generators allows hot water to be supplied without the burning of additional fuels. It saves about 36,000 liters of diesel fuel per year, and reduces pollutant emissions of about 112 tons of carbon dioxide a year
אדם מסכה צה"ל

Breathalyzer to Diagnose Coronavirus is Latest Disease-Fighting Device to Emerge from Israeli Defense Tech Units

17.05.20|Udi Etsion and Adi Pick
Military technology units at Israel’s Ministry of Defense continue to develop technologies aimed towards helping hospitals and hospital staff, from developing a breathalyzer to diagnose coronavirus, to creating a mask equipped with a steam blower for medical professionals, among other technologies
בית חולים שיבא תל השומר התמודדות עם נגיף הקורונה

Israel Aerospace Industries Starts Manufacturing Ventilators

01.04.20|Udi Etsion and Adi Pick
According to Israeli’s Ministry of Health, the country currently has only 2,173 ventilators in stock, 28 of which are faulty
משרדי NSO ב הרצליה

Israeli Court Agrees to Keep NSO Legal Proceedings in Chambers

16.01.20|Omer Kabir
An appeal was submitted by the Israeli state attorney to the Tel Aviv District Court on Sunday, asking that no information on petition against the cyber-surveillance company could be made public
הדמיית מערכת לייזר להגנה מפני רקטות מפא"ת

Israel Wants to Shoot Down Rockets With Lasers

09.01.20|Udi Etsion
The Israeli Ministry of Defense announced a breakthrough in the development of laser defense systems, intended to intercept a variety of threats including drones and, rockets, artillery, and mortar attacks
רכב משוריין צה"ל פרויקט הכרמל רפאל מבחוץ

Israel’s Defense Ministry Demonstrates New Autonomous Armored Vehicles

05.08.19|Udi Etsion
Dubbed Carmel, the new vehicles are intended to replace the Merkava tank, Israel’s main battle tank for the past three decades. The lightweight, self-driving vehicles come equipped with artillery capabilities
טורבינות רוח אנלייט

Israeli Ministry of Defense Hinders Green Energy Projects in Golan Heights

26.05.19|Lior Gutman
Backtracking on previous agreements, the ministry is allegedly claiming that green energy entrepreneurs are disrupting regular military operations in the area
בנימין ושרה נתניהו במטה הליכוד לאחר הזכייה

Pending Indictments Prevents Defense Minister Netanyahu From Approving Bezeq-Searchlight Deal

15.05.19|Golan Hazani
A landline monopoly in Israel, Bezeq’s acquisition requires the approval of Israel's minister of communication and minister of defense—the latter position currently held by prime minister Netanyahu, who is facing an indictment in a bribery case related to Bezeq
אבטחת מידע סייבר פריצה סיסמה

In Israel, Weakened Defense Export Controls Facilitate Deal Making

01.11.18|Omri Milman
A recent reform reduced the number of permits required of local companies wishing to export defense-related technologies
צוק איתן מלחמה צנחנים רצועת עזה מנהרות

Classified Anti-Tunnel System Earns Developers Israel’s Top Military Award

A system for the detection of underground Hamas tunneling received the Israel Defense Prize
רחפן צליפה

U.S. Department of Defense, Israeli Ministry of Defense, to Hold Anti-Terrorism Startup Contest

21.01.18|Lilach Baumer
This is the third year of the contest. Over $200,000 in prizes will be awarded to the most promising startups
בוצי מכליס בצלאל מכליס נשיא ו מנכל אלביט מערכות

Israeli Defense Contractor Elbit Wins $85 Million Deal for Electronic Warfare Systems

18.01.18|Amarelle Wenkert
As part of the four-year contract, Elbit will supply a range of advanced ground-based electronic warfare and signal intelligence systems to an unnamed European country
מוסף אנשי השנה ראש השנה בניין אי סי איי פתח תקווה eci

ECI Telecom Wins Israeli Military Contract

01.01.18|Meir Orbach
The company beat Nokia Subsidiary Alcatel-Lucent to the deal, worth tens of millions of dollars. Earlier this month ECI announced it will lay off 100 employees in Israel due to the pressures of global competition