Nimrod Vromen

20 stories about Nimrod Vromen
עו"ד נמרון ורומן שותף הייטק יגאל ארנון ושות' מנכ"ל חברת הייעוץ קונסיליירי

Navigating the stressful seas of entrepreneurship: The power of the "And Then What" approach

07.06.23|Nimrod Vromen
The "And Then What" approach is a valuable tool to mitigate the fear of failure and turn perceived failures into learning opportunities, bolstering resilience and adaptability, writes Nimrod Vromen
סודותיהם של הסטרטאפים, פרק 17

"Textbook exit"

14.05.23|Startup Confidential
Episode 17: The Grand Finale: Unveiling the intricacies of a 'textbook exit'
סודותיהם של הסטרטאפים, פרק 16

"Synergy maybe"

14.05.23|Startup Confidential
Episode 16: Facing the inevitable: The unforeseen path to 'synergy maybe'
סודותיהם של הסטרטאפים, פרק 15

"Growing out of your comfort zone"

14.05.23|Startup Confidential
Episode 15: Bridging cultural gaps: Thriving beyond your comfort zone
סודותיהם של הסטרטאפים, פרק 14

"Reaping the fruits"

14.05.23|Startup Confidential
Episode 14: Rising from the ashes: Navigating the post-crisis tech landscape
סודותיהם של הסטרטאפים, פרק 13


14.05.23|Startup Confidential
Episode 13: Shifting Sands: The power dynamics of Private Equity investments
Startup: EP12 ITF

"In the peloton"

02.05.23|Startup Confidential
Episode 12: Becoming a leader in Israeli tech
Startup: EP11 RFD

"Raising from demons"

02.05.23|Startup Confidential
Episode 11: The treacherous world of abusive finders and deceptive angel investors
Startup: EP10 MFS

"My first secondary"

02.05.23|Startup Confidential
Episode 10: When founders make decade changing money
AP.9 Startup Confidential

"Force majeure"

24.04.23|Startup Confidential
Episode 9: Handling force majeure the right way
AP.8 Startup Confidential

"Runaway valuation"

24.04.23|Startup Confidential
Episode 8: Biting off more than you can chew
AP.7 Startup Confidential

"Crap, or get off the pot"

24.04.23|Startup Confidential
Episode 7: The initial challenges of pre-funded companies
AP.6 Startup Confidential

"Learning the ropes"

02.04.23|Startup Confidential
Episode 6: All the gossip on Corporate Venture Capital
AP.5 Startup Confidential

"My first acquihire"

02.04.23|Startup Confidential
Episode 5: Startup on startup action
AP.4 Startup Confidential

"In on the fun"

02.04.23|Startup Confidential
Episode 4: When big-US-tech meets the Startup Nation for the first time
AP.3 Startup Confidential

The SAFE way

20.03.23|Startup Confidential
Episode 3: Going crazy with SAFE financings
AP.2 Startup Confidential

Moving on up

20.03.23|Startup Confidential
Episode 2: The challenge of a growth round of financing
AP.1 Startup Confidential

The Lost Founder

20.03.23|Startup Confidential
Episode 1: The lost founder tragedy
Startup Confidential

Meet "Startup: Confidential"

20.03.23|Startup Confidential
The secrets of startups
עו"ד נמרון ורומן שותף הייטק יגאל ארנון ושות' מנכ"ל חברת הייעוץ קונסיליירי

Don’t take Israeli high-tech for granted

12.12.22|Nimrod Vromen
An open letter to the next Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation