
6 stories about Nucleai
Guy Nucleai

How have international stakeholders responded to Startup Nation since 7/10?

26.10.23|James Spiro
Nucleai helped its global customers and investors understand the magnitude of October 7 by comparing it to 9/11 in the U.S.
מייסדי Nucleai

Nucleai raises $33 million for spatial biology drug development platform

22.03.22|Meir Orbach
The technology developed at the Israeli startup allows better prediction of the patient's response to specific oncological treatment, saves on the ongoing process of testing different drugs and improves the chances of the development of new cancer drugs
צוות Nucleai מימין לוטן חורב אלירון אמיר אבי ויידמן אלברט אכטרברג

The Israeli startup using spatial biology to provide better cancer treatment

02.01.22|Yafit Ovadia
Nucleai is looking at the way cells interplay and are interspersed within human tissue to develop precision medicine solutions
צוות Nucleai מימין לוטן חורב אלירון אמיר אבי ויידמן אלברט אכטרברג

AI cancer treatment startup Nucleai raises $6.5 million in series A round

07.07.20|Meir Orbach
Nucleai’s software uses computer vision and machine learning algorithms to predict the progress of cancerous tumors as well as the patient’s immune system response in order to determine the most efficient treatment
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CTech’s Monday Israeli Tech News Roundup

Israel wants to lure U.S. scientists with $100 thousand grants. Barclays ends partnership with Ness Technologies