
15 stories about Nvidia

Starboard Divests Mellanox Stake Ahead of Deal Completion

13.03.19|Golan Hazani
On Monday, Nvidia announced an acquisition agreement to buy Mellanox for $6.9 billion. On Tuesday, Starboard revealed it has sold its remaining stake
איל וולדמן מלאנוקס במסיבת עיתונאים

Mellanox CEO: Nvidia Deal Gives the Best Value to Company Shareholders

12.03.19|Lilach Baumer
Nvidia agreed to pay $6.9 billion in cash for the Israeli chipmaker, above Intel’s reported $6 billion cash and stock offer
ג'נסן הואנג מייסד ומנכ"ל אנווידיה

Nvidia to Acquire Mellanox for $6.9 Billion

11.03.19|Lilach Baumer
On Sunday, Calcalist reported Nvidia has joined the bidding race for Mellanox
מייסד ומנכ"ל אנבידיה ג'נסן הואנג בכנס GTC בקליפורניה

Nvidia Joins Bidding Race for Chipmaker Mellanox

10.03.19|Golan Hazani
In January, Calcalist reported Intel extended a $6 billion offer for Mellanox
אנווידיה גל צ'צ'יק

Nvidia Sets Up New AI Outpost in Israel

18.10.18|Hagar Ravet
The Tel Aviv-based center will be under the aegis of the chipmaker's research division. Nvidia opened a research and development center in the country last year
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CTech’s Monday Roundup of Israeli Tech News

02.04.18| CTech
TV Broadcasting Will Survive Streaming Revolution, Disney Executive Says. Israel used drones to drop tear gas on Gaza protesters
אייל איל ולדמן נשיא מנכ"ל ומייסד מלאנוקס

Nvidia Uses Mellanox Technology in Its New DGX-2 AI System

02.04.18|Tofi Stoler
DGX-2 uses eight Mellanox ConnectX port adaptors capable of providing 1,600 gigabits per second of bi-directional data
Mixer founders Omer Granit Eyal Naveh and Dror Katzir right to left

Shared Office Company Mixer Raises $40 million

26.02.18|Asaf Shalev
The funding round was led by British investor Howard Shore who has joined the company as a non-executive chairman
פרופסור שרית קראוסעם דוקטור אריאל רוזנפלד

AI Takes Center Stage in Israeli Tech

From eBay’s automated personal fashion designer to Amazon’s hunger for local talent: a spotlight on Israel’s AI scene
תל אביב קו רקיע Tel Aviv Skyline

CTech’s Daily Israeli Tech News Roundup

Tel Aviv City Hall, WeWork collaborate to bring co-Living to town. Israeli CEOs claim Amazon poaches their employees, threatening to leave AWS
רכבת ישראל

Computer Vision Company Announces Collaboration with Nvidia, Stock Rallies

10.01.18|Dror Reich and Tofi Stoler
Nasdaq-listed Foresight announced that Rail Vision, in which it has a stake, collaborates with the chip design juggernaut
לוגו ctech

CTech’s Daily Israeli Tech News Roundup

SEC expands Mobileye insider trading probe. A tech entrepreneur doesn’t mince words when discussing Bitcoin. Israeli army pilots operational video sharing service
ג'נסן הואנג מייסד ומנכ"ל אנווידיה

With New Hire, Nvidia Targets Mobileye, Report Says

17.11.17|Lilach Baumer and Orr Hirschauge
The chipmaker has hired Claire Delaunay, co-founder of the self-driving trucking firm Otto, to focus on AI and robotics, The Information reported
אוניברסיטה הטכניון טכניון חיפה

Tech Powers Go After Israeli AI Specialists, But Local Talent Is in Over Demand

26.10.17|Amarelle Wenkert
Multinational tech companies planning research and development centers in Israel are straining an already small pool of local AI specialists
ג'נסן הואנג מייסד ומנכ"ל אנווידיה

Nvidia Making First Steps on Journey to Become International Company, CEO Says

19.10.17|Hagar Ravet
Over the last three years, the company’s revenues from sales to automotive companies shot up, a result of increased use of autonomous driving features