
5 stories about OpenAI
סם אלטמן מייסד ומנכ"ל OpenAI

Why is OpenAI CEO Sam Altman visiting Israel?

28.05.23|Viki Auslender
Altman is expected to visit Microsoft’s R&D center, which is a lead investor in OpenAI, as well as Tel Aviv University, where he will meet prominent Israeli tech entrepreneurs
איור הייטק  יונתן פופר

Artificial intelligence discourse dominated by utopian and dystopian prophecies

23.04.23|Viki Auslender
Both sides of the AI argument, both the fascinated and the frightened, actually belong to the same passionate camp

ChatGPT’s Big Bang: We haven't yet internalized the implications of artificial intelligence

16.04.23|Maayan Rozen-Cohen
The combination of ChatGPT's ability to learn to recognize patterns and make predictions based on huge amounts of data, and the possibility to do so in natural language, has created the big bang in artificial intelligence we are now witnessing