
20 stories about Opinion
אביטל לביצקי UK Israel Tech Hub

5 reasons why Israeli Fintech startups should capture the UK opportunity

06.02.22|Avital Levitzky
"The UK is home to some amazing opportunities for Fintech companies and one of the world’s leaders in evolving the Fintech global ecosystem having the frameworks and talent to run them," writes Avital Levitzky of the UK-Israel Tech Hub
משרדים האניבוק עובדים הייטק גיוס

Want to attract and retain the best employees? Shine light on your Employer Value Proposition

02.02.22|Aviv Weizmann
"Without realizing their mistake, countless organizations use inefficient employer brands and aim to be "the best." Perhaps due to a lack of awareness or thought about what "best" actually means?" writes Aviv Weizmann of Natural Intelligence
משה ליפסקר

Why my combat service is at the heart of my success as a high-tech manager

31.01.22|Moshe Lipsker
“The service path of the combat soldier provides a formative experience that’s hard to emulate in the non-combat setting,” explains Lt. Col (res.) Moshe Lipsker, Israel General Manager and SVP of Global Product Development at Imperva
Hisham Abdulhalim Intuit Israel

Five skills every employee needs in the age of AI

31.01.22|Hisham Abdulhalim PhD.
"We should all be looking for ways to harness our unique human capabilities and cultivate soft skills that will become all the more important for the future of work," writes Hisham Abdulhalim PhD., Intuit Israel AI and Data Chief of Staff
אלעד בלומנטל

Could volunteering be the key in competition for tech talent?

30.01.22|Elad Blumenthal
“Could it be that generation Y, who constitute most of today’s workforce, expect something totally different from a company activity than a concert by a successful singer?” asks Elad Blumenthal, CEO of OneDay Social Volunteering
דלית קריינר

A holistic solution for the Great Resignation

27.01.22|Dalit Krainer
“Money and conditions are no longer enough to keep workers for a long time. To cope with the trend, we need to adapt to the market and produce solutions that will touch on all areas of employment,” writes Dalit Krainer of Checkmarx
סמדר שטראוס

Storage in Space? Why is it so complicated and how will humanity benefit from it?

26.01.22|Smadar Strauss
“A satellite that costs millions of dollars may suddenly become ineffective due to a failure in the system’s storage. What is the value of an advanced satellite with a sophisticated camera if its images cannot be saved properly?” writes Smadar Strauss of Ramon.Space
רותם שמש Datto

The key steps for SMBs to stay safe from cyberattacks

25.01.22|Rotem Shemesh
“The building blocks of a well-thought-out cyber resilience plan are being able to identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover from cyber threats,” writes Rotem Shemesh of Datto
מורן צ'מסי

The rise in secondary deals is great news for the Israeli tech sector

24.01.22|Moran Chamsi
"Recognizing secondary-share transactions as a legitimate, worthy, and valuable process for various industry players can drive the high-tech market one step further," writes Moran Chamsi of Amplefields Investments
יעל וייס זילברמן Start Up Nation Central

Israeli innovation is up for the sustainability challenge

23.01.22|Yael Weisz Zilberman
"Israel is putting a concerted effort into becoming the go-to hub for climate change-battling innovation, aiming to make up in its ingenuity what it lacks in size," writes Yael Weisz Zilberman of Start-Up Nation Central
יעל שפריר

An international crisis hits the education system, and workplaces pay the price

20.01.22|Yael Shafrir
What is the connection between the school crisis, high-tech challenges and the problems of the labor market? What can be done about this, and how does it relate to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals?
עידן טנדלר

Israeli tech must reconnect with society

19.01.22|Idan Tendler
"We need to leave this bubble, and lead reforms to reduce socioeconomic gaps in Israel. We want to infect the Israeli public with our chutzpah and faith that we have the power to change reality," writes Idan Tendler
שרון הנדלמן גוטליב

Israeli tech should fully embrace the FemTech revolution

18.01.22|Sharon Handelman-Gotlib
“Many years of neglect and overlooking feminine needs are finally ending with solutions burgeoning at an unprecedented rate,” writes Sharon Handelman-Gotlib, director of business development at Sompo Digital Lab Tel Aviv
גל שור Lightrun

Scaling up sanely in a world of hiring madness

17.01.22|Gal Shor
"We are in a time that demands questioning, a cold and deep inspection of the “lay of the land” and a constant improvement of the skills of our recruitment teams and other HR personnel," writes Gal Shor of Lightrun
נדב שמעוני Arkin Holdings

Digital health startups facing rapidly transforming business models in 2022

16.01.22|Nadav Shimoni
“It is more important than ever for digital health startups to have an in-depth understanding of the market dynamics and tackle a real business problem,” writes Nadav Shimoni of Arkin Holdings
Yoav Anaki Fresh Fund

When it comes to investors, bigger isn’t better

13.01.22|Yoav Anaki
“Smart founders know they need to have a robust group of people on board as possible to help them fulfill their vision,” writes Yoav Anaki
עו"ד דניאל בכר

10 common legal mistakes made by startups

11.01.22|Adv. Daniel Behar
“It would be wise to take a moment and call attention to mistakes entrepreneurs at the beginning of their journey commonly make,” writes Adv. Daniel Behar from GBK law firm