
20 stories about Opinion
Yaffa Abadi F2 Venture Capital

The lonely but critical existence of the VC content marketer

09.01.22|Yaffa Abadi
A highly competitive market, vague KPIs, and the road less traveled
לווין בחלל

Who is going to stop space terrorists?

08.01.22|Dov Greenbaum
"If the aim of terrorist organizations is to terrorize, causing any sort of harm in space, even if its only to smaller, less valuable, satellites, it is scary enough," writes Dov Greenbaum
Noam Solomon Immunai

When not knowing is a methodology

05.01.22|Noam Solomon
"When your culture celebrates that knowledge always starts from the lack thereof, people are rewarded for asking the right questions and not just for knowing the answers," writes Noam Solomon, CEO & Co-Founder of Immunai
טל וויזר פינסטרה

Open banking is conquering the world, but in Israel there is still a long road ahead

03.01.22|Tal Weiser
"Open banking is a huge economic opportunity that offers regeneration and the building of new sources of income for banks and commercial companies," writes Tal Weiser of Finastra
מיכאל קגן Nvidia

The age of hyper-accelerated AI adoption

02.01.22|Michael Kagan
“2021 has brought significant advances in AI and in the next year this momentum will drive humanity even further,” writes Michael Kagan, Chief Technology Officer of NVIDIA
‍ועידת התחזיות 2022 יואל אסתרון מו"ל כלכליסט

Wanted: A booster of humbleness for 2022

30.12.21|Yoel Esteron
“Let's be more humble, not only in our pretension to make forecasts, but also in life itself,” says Calcalist Publisher Yoel Esteron
Jason Williamson Oracle for Startups

9 trends we’ll see happen next year in Israel and across the globe

30.12.21|Jason Williamson
"Israel is always top of mind when I do my annual predictions," writes Jason Williamson, VP at Oracle for Startups and Oracle for Research
ליהי ירון גרטי CodeValue

Time for tech to open up to creative worlds

29.12.21|Leehee Yaron-Gerti
"As the elitist industry grows so will the need for workers who possess a more complex and broad set of capabilities and interests stemming from more creative, spiritual, artistic worlds," writes Leehee Yaron-Gerti of CodeValue
Arnon Columbus InNegev

How to transform the Negev into an innovation and high-tech center

23.12.21|Arnon Columbus
For significant change to occur, we need to think big and use resources that have not been used in recent decades, writes InNegev CEO Arnon Columbus
דניאל פלד Kryon

The AI revolution is only getting started

22.12.21|Daniel Peled
"Soon the world will be divided into those who are able to aggregate data and apply the right intelligence tools and the competition that will have no choice but to follow suit," writes Daniel Peled of Kryon Systems
אסטרואיד ב חלל

Is space mining legal?

21.12.21|Dov Greenbaum
"If we want space mining to have a happy ending, its important that we adequately resolve the open legal questions while also creating new laws and regulations that will both incentivize beneficial mining," writes Dov Greenbaum
בן וולקוב אוטונומו

Making a CASE for the future of Mobility

20.12.21|Ben Volkow
“We are closer than ever to electric cars and self-driving vehicles kicking off the mobility evolution, but there are still a few roadblocks to navigate,” writes Ben Volkow, CEO & Co-Founder at Otonomo.
Tal Zackon F2 Venture Capital

Unlock the power of those ‘annoying’ investor updates

19.12.21|Tal Zackon
Rather than viewing them as a burden, you should view them as a tool with endless potential, writes Tal Zackon, Principal at F2 Venture Capital
ניצן בן נון

5 main factors that must be considered when choosing a UAE free zone

16.12.21|Nitzan Ben-nun
“The importance of choosing the right free zone for your business can look intimidating at first, but this decision can have a huge impact on the growth and success of your business,” writes Nitzan Ben-nun, a Tech and System senior associate at Herzog Strategic
מימין יואב לנדמן אסף קרס ו פרד סיימון ג'ייפרוג JFrog

What will 2022 bring in the DevOps world?

12.12.21|Fred Simon, Yoav Landman, and Asaf Karas
JFrog’s Chief Data Scientist, CTO and CTO Security give their predictions for the upcoming year for their ever evolving sector
הדמיה די אן איי DNA

How to regulate recreational medical devices?

11.12.21|Dov Greenbaum
"Even if the consumer doesn’t have medical expectations, the privacy implications of the data are just as problematic as when the device is a medical device," writes Dov Greenbaum
Dr Laurent Choppe Managing Partner at Cukierman  Co Life Sciences

Prepare for a year of M&As in Israeli life sciences companies

28.11.21|Laurent Choppe
Massive fund raising, significant growth in M&A deals and even a first Israeli biomed SPAC; Dr. Laurent Choppe, Managing Partner at Cukierman & Co. Life Sciences, explains the current trends behind the sector's amazing year and discusses what’s next
בינה מלאכותית רובוטים AI מרכז שירות

When AI goes too far

25.11.21|Dov Greenbaum
“The use of AI to help in the hiring process is growing, and it has found an even broader audience because of the pandemic,” writes Dov Greenbaum
Kineret Muller NTT Innovation

A step toward human-centric health and wellbeing

25.11.21|Kineret Muller
To achieve human-centric health and wellbeing, individuals should have more control over their data, argues Kineret Muller