
20 stories about Opinion
היסטוריה סחר מקוון קניות ברשת אי קומרס שופינג 2

Why live streaming is taking over e-commerce

24.11.21|Ehud Segev
E-commerce live streams used to just be different marketing strategies that big brands implemented to increase their brand awareness or their social media followers. But after the continuous growth we see in Asia - things in the U.S. are starting to change very quickly
נמרוד ורומן

Vetoes are a weapon of mass destruction, and it is up to investors to prevent them

23.11.21|Nimrod Vromen
“Investors cannot wait on the sidelines expecting for updates from a young person on whom they catapulted $50 million, complain when updates don’t come, and treat the matters being raised for approval like Simon Cowell observing a contestant on X-Factor,” writes Nimrod Vromen
סייבר נוזקות ביטקוין קריפטו

Are smart contracts actual contracts?

21.11.21|Dov Greenbaum
“Maybe, smart contracts can promote a new theory of contracts that would encompass not only smart contracts, but other contracts as well,” writes Dov Greenbaum
ארז באום

Fueling the world, one insight at a time

16.11.21|Erez Baum
Research going into the future of autonomous driving offers a lesson: businesses can uncover greater business value by supporting the movement and the sovereignty of data
איור NFT

Irrational NFT exuberance requires new IP law

11.11.21|Dov Greenbaum
"The booming NFT market demands the creation of a new sui generis form of intellectual property protection to prevent third parties from passing off NFTs of works that are not theirs," writes Dov Greenbaum
איציק לוי VCITA

How the digital transformation leveled the playing field for SMBs

09.11.21|Itzik Levy
“Small businesses and single entrepreneurs went digital, offering services online via various platforms, and more often than not, it’s what kept them afloat,” writes Itzik Levy, CEO and Founder of vcita
סלעית שחר

IP not as a burden, but rather as a crucial business tool

08.11.21|Saleit Shahar
"Early-stage startups have limited financial and human resources to invest in IP. Together with the inherent problems in evaluating IP assets, startups do not always prioritize IP protection. However, as sometimes realized, the costs of lacking IP are higher," writes Saleit Shahar
מעבדה  דגימות דם  מחקר חיסון קורונה הוליווד פלורידה אוגוסט 2020

Real World Data key to drug discovery, reducing carbon footprint of clinical trials

07.11.21|Dov Greenbaum
"If employed effectively, the use of RWD in clinical studies has the potential to be potent in many aspects of the drug discovery and regulatory pipeline," writes Dov Greenbaum
ג'יי ג'ייקובס אנליסט גלובל אקס

The rise of thematic investing

07.11.21|Jay Jacobs
"For many, thematic investing represents a fundamental shift in their approach to portfolio management," writes Jay Jacobs, Head of Research & Strategy at Global X ETFs
מיכל זימלר

How banking on your company's people steers innovation

04.11.21|Michal Simler
The key to implementing innovation and a successful digital transformation depends on innovative workers and not technological solutions, argues Michal Simler, CSU lead, VP at Microsoft Israel
נמרוד כהן TAU Ventures

Managing your board: A letter to CEOs from a board member

31.10.21|Nimrod Cohen
“With the right mindset, professional practices and approach, you as the CEO can maximize the value-add of your investors and board members and build a trusting and supportive relationship,” writes Nimrod Cohen of TAU Ventures
Tech Globe Shutterstock

AI Ethics: Who will police the machines?

28.10.21|Dov Greenbaum
China, the US, and private corporations all have different priorities and guidelines when implementing artificial intelligence, explains Dov Greenbaum.
Moshe Karako NTT משה קראקו

Can AI bridge the 4 million cyber security professionals gap needed worldwide?

27.10.21|Moshe Karako
Cybersecurity and IT personnel must acknowledge the fact that AI-based automation is here to stay and adapt their skill set and expertise to leverage AI, writes Moshe Karako
פול מקיואן ו דיוויד יגר UBS ועידת TECH TLV

The technologies you didn’t know financial institutions are using

26.10.21|Paul McEwen and David Yeger
"Financial institutions are making big bets and even bigger investments in technology and while many of these capabilities are behind the scenes, it’s both clients and employees who will benefit in the long term," write Paul McEwen and David Yeger of UBS
Law Tech

The rule of law? More like the code of law

21.10.21|Dov Greenbaum
We could imagine a world where the law is code, and that code is available to everyone on our smartphones such that we could know how to act legally regardless of the situation before us, writes Dov Greenbaum
ליהי ירון גרטי CodeValue

Developers should take advantage of the good times to discover what really makes them happy

18.10.21|Leehee Yaron Gerti
“What happens when you reach the pinnacle of your professional aspirations and then realize that you have lost touch with the reason why you started the journey in the first place?” asks Leehee Yaron Gerti, Director of Marketing at CodeValue
Mental Health App

This Mental Health Day, let’s take a look at social media

14.10.21|Dov Greenbaum
The ethical, legal, and social issues raised by this emerging intersection of mental health and digital innovations are non-trivial, writes Prof. Dov Greenbaum
יאיר גבע

Fintech finally firing on all cylinders

13.10.21|Yair Geva
“Fintechs, for a decade the proverbial outsiders knocking on the door of established institutions, are posting growth other sectors only dream about,” writes Adv. Yair Geva, head of the Tech Division at Herzog Fox & Neeman