
20 stories about Opinion
ליאור חמו Riskified

Say yes to opportunities that come your way

08.03.21|Lior Hemo
"Even if a role seems too big for you, say yes, and make up for the supposed gap as you go," writes Customer Trust Team Lead at Riskified, Lior Hemo
טל סטרלינג

Leading the tech ecosystem towards gender equality

08.03.21|Tal Sterling
Gender parity in high tech has definitely improved considerably compared to a few years ago, but there’s still a long way to go
Lisa Zaythik Appsflyer

Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change

08.03.21|Lisa Zaythik
“I can’t think of anything more empowering than embracing our whole self, seeing our flaws, and working every day to be the best version of ourselves,” says Lisa Zaythik from Appsflyer
Nicole Priel Ibex Investors LLC

The blight of ageism in the Israeli workplace: why we can and should do better

07.03.21| Nicole Priel
Covid-19 and the ensuing pandemic fanned the flames of ageism in 2020 to catastrophic proportions, writes Nicole Priel
Lihi Pinto Syte

The "Red Dress" story that changed my life and started my tech career

07.03.21|Lihi Pinto
If you think you deserve something, go get it. Don't wait for anyone to promote you or to give it to you, writes Co-Founder of Syte Lihi Pinto
ליאת אבני Liat Avni The Taldor Group

Don't wait for the moment to come. Seize the moment

04.03.21|Liat Avni
When you do something you’re passionate about, out of a strong desire to succeed - you do it in the best possible way
Chen Guter Lusha

How I dared to grow for my role in the tech scene

03.03.21|Chen Guter
Putting yourself out there takes courage and willingness to fail. But it’s definitely not as scary as getting to the end of our career without even trying
אהרון הורוביץ' מנכ"ל AutoLeadStar

Can Tesla conquer Israel without storefronts?

01.03.21|Aharon Horwitz
"Covid-19 pushed car purchases further down the road of digitization. Although consumers are still somewhat hesitant about fully online automotive sales," says Aharon Horwitz
מיליונר מיליונרים כסף דולר דולרים עשיר עשירים

The ugly side of the tech cash splash

01.03.21|Meir Orbach
The big money being thrown at early-stage companies can often sidetrack entrepreneurs
Liat Bekier Goat

Women: Say yes to your place at the table!

01.03.21|Liat Bekier
In a world in which women's voices are not heard as much as men’s, it is time to turn up the volume and put women at the center of the stage
רועי כהן מנכ"ל Fetcherr

Flying with your eyes closed

17.02.21|Roi Cohen
The coming year is a rare opportunity for smart airlines to upgrade their technology systems, writes Roi Cohen, CEO of Fetcherr
Yaffa Abadi

The boy’s club mentality of VCs has got to go

17.02.21|Yaffa Abadi
It is time for VCs to break out from bro-culture and encourage diversity beyond mere lip-service
ליאת אשכנזי Liat Ashkenazi

What I learned from starting a new job during the pandemic

15.02.21|Liat Ashkenazi
Stay focused on the target, be adaptive, and keep up your energy and pace
לירון רוז משקיע אנג'ל

The Deep Learning Revolution: $30 trillion in market value in the next 15-20 years

14.02.21|Liron Rose
"During the next decade, tech experts believe that the most important software will be created by deep learning, enabling self driving cars, accelerated drug discovery, and more," writes Liron Rose
Mary Hainrichson

Women represent an untapped pool of scientific talent, what we need is more role models

11.02.21|Mary Hainrichson
In honor of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, MeMed’s Dr. Mary Hainrichson offers some words of encouragement
גיא מגן Profero CTO

When countries attack companies

10.02.21|Guy Barnhart-Magen
"It is time for policymakers to stop ignoring the potential damage caused by these attacks not only to the private businesses, but to the whole country," says Guy Barnhart-Magen
Achishay Buchnick Funnelyzer

The David and Goliath eCommerce War: Israel vs. the world, small businesses vs. large retail companies

08.02.21|Achishay Buchnick
Now is the time to fight the cart abandonment phenomenon and bring back your local purchasers, argues Funnelyzer's Founder and CEO, Achishay Buchnick
רותם גינדי

The secret to entrepreneurial success rests in kindness

03.02.21|Rotem Gindi
ROI with a difference: being kind is just as important in our business lives as it is in our personal lives
אור חביב אריאלי קפיטל

Tapping into an ocean of innovation: The economic interest for developing a new ecosystem on oceanic technologies

03.02.21|Or Haviv
"The development of ocean technologies is doubly important for us – ecologically and economically," explains Or Haviv, Partner and Head of Ventures at Arieli Capital
בן חקלאי מיקרוסופט ישראל

Ethical aspects in Artificial Intelligence

02.02.21|Ben Haklai
The adoption, use and applications of AI will only intensify in the near future and we are obliged to consider the unique ethical aspects, argues Microsoft Regional Corporate Counsel, CELA Middle East, and Africa HQ, Ben Haklai