
20 stories about Opinion
ביטקוין עובדים משקיעים כסף דיגיטלי מטבע וירטואלי

Happy Bat Mitzvah Bitcoin! My how you’ve grown

08.01.21|Dov Greenbaum
12 years on, the world’s top cryptocurrency is affecting the lives of more and more people and increasingly finds itself under state scrutiny
Sharin Fisher Fort Ross Ventures

Better, Faster, Stronger: Israel’s tech ecosystem is only getting going

07.01.21|Sharin Fisher
I believe 2020 has marked a new era in the maturity of the Israeli ecosystem and the increasing trend in Israeli companies going public, something that we will probably see this year
אסף הנקין SPROUTT

Startups are providing a wakeup call to the insurance industry giants

04.01.21|Assaf Henkin
The current economic uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has caused what looks like a future of continued struggles for these insurance giants in the next few years
מעקב אחר אזרחים פרטיות מיקום ניטור

Privacy breaches add insult to Covid-19 injury

04.01.21|Dov Greenbaum
Too many data points and not enough oversight suggests the damage inflicted by the response to the pandemic will stick around even after the disease is eradicated
ביטקוין דולרים מטבע וירטואלי קריפטו כסף

Bitcoin is booming and Israel’s blockchain infrastructure and security startups hold a major key to the cryptocurrency revolution

03.01.21|Liron Rose and Adiel Yaakov
"We are at the beginning of a revolution, with insane amounts of capital flowing from legacy institutions to Bitcoin and alternative coins. Trust and security solutions are critical for this financial revolution"
Yael Paz Qumra Capital

Building relationships in the age of social distancing

30.12.20|Yael Paz
It’s easy to say that though we began these new relationships under the strangest circumstances, we ended up with the best possible outcomes
Natural Intelligence Tal Brener

Too much of a good thing? The rising shekel puts Israeli tech companies at risk

27.12.20|Tal Brener
The strengthening of the shekel exchange rate against the dollar is a real problem that if left unresolved will hurt all of us Israelis.
Itay Sagie איתי שגיא

U.S. investors doubled down on Israeli tech in 2020

27.12.20|Itay Sagie
American buyers made up 63% of M&As of Israeli tech companies as Asian and European deals falter due to Covid-19
Online Sharing

A hidden bill may strike a blow to our favorite Covid-19 pastime — online sharing

25.12.20|Dov Greenbaum
The role of private parties in enforcing copyrights and limiting speech through technical mechanisms is a center point of the new draft copyright proposal, reflecting the aforementioned copyright report and hearings, from earlier this week.
Oracle Jason Williamson

Oracle VP offers up seven predictions for startups in 2021

21.12.20|Jason Williamson
In a highly unpredictable 2020, we got a few guesses right with last year’s predictions piece. Here are my thoughts on things I believe we’ll see happen next year
A team brainstorming how to call their industry

Is it time to finally kill tech?

18.12.20|Dov Greenbaum
Our modern world has become so inundated with hyphenated techs that the term has become cliched, essentially meaningless
ביל גייטס מייסד מיקרוסופט תורם

“Occasionally Bill Gates and Warren Buffett got it right”

17.12.20|Shaul Olmert
Shaul Olmert, though he hates to admit it, has learned something from the world’s top entrepreneurs
רותי אדר Rutie Adar Samsung

Israeli startups can become major players in the quantum computing ecosystem

16.12.20|Rutie Adar
Some applications, especially in optimization and quantum chemistry, will potentially be ready for implementation in the coming years.
Hannukah חנוכה

It’s time for the university system to embrace the spirit of Hanukkah

11.12.20|Dov Greenbaum
Postgraduate education, like Hanukkah, might be a great opportunity for proof of concept in applying a truly personalized experience
מינגלינג ועידת דובאי

What are you rushing to Dubai for? Have you read the fine print?

08.12.20|Yossi Borenstein
Some words of warning for Israelis seeking to do business in the UAE
יעל בנימין Yael Benjamin

Pitching investors online? How to bypass the Zoom doom

06.12.20|Yael Benjamin
To crack the secret of the remote pitch, early-stage ventures must “grow up” and start thinking like revenue-generating companies
אילוסטרציה בן אדם מגלה חיים בכוכב מאדים

Morality on Mars: What’s to stop future spacefarers from ruining other planets?

04.12.20|Dov Greenbaum
It is unclear how an Earth-bound society could enforce proper stewardship of the Martian ecosystem
קרן שווק Karen Schwok Lucid Investments

A "new" tech revolution is coming and the winds of change will hit the U.S. first

02.12.20|Karen Schwok
How this transition phase will impact the various sectors in the US and will these new technological trends outlast the pandemic?