
20 stories about Opinion
שנה טובה ראש השנה תפוח ודבש

The algorithm behind the Jewish High Holidays is more transparent than Israel’s Covid-19 fighting tech

18.09.20|Dov Greenbaum
While the heavenly judgment in Jewish faith can be appealed through charity, prayer, and repentance, the process of appealing an order to go into quarantine from Israel’s Shin Bet is far less friendly
Boaz Dine and Shlomi Ben Haim

Why I think JFrog is such a leapin’ success

17.09.20|Boaz Dinte
"There are great teams and there are huge markets and opportunities, but there is one JFrog," writes Boaz Dinte managing partner of Qumra Capital, one of JFrog's early investors
מוסף שבועי כל ישראל פורטוגזים ליסבון פורטוגל

Tech entrepreneurs, it’s time to set your sights on Portugal

16.09.20|Itay Mor
The government’s pro-startup strategy makes it a contender to become a global tech hotspot
רופא רפואה טכנולוגיה ממוחשבת

The Valley is hot for virtual healthcare

14.09.20|Oded Hermoni
Covid-19 made telemedicine a reality and everyone is looking to invest in the now scorching sector
שאול אולמרט מנכל ומייסד החזירים המעופפים

Choosing a co-founder is like choosing a life partner

14.09.20|Shaul Olmert
The most significant decision in a company’s life is made right at the very beginning: who, if anyone at all, do you start this complex journey with
FinTech Mobile

The next steps taken by the Israeli fintech ecosystem might determine the entire UAE-Israel relations

06.09.20|Aviv Barzilay
Governments and regulators all over the world can learn some important lessons from the UAE’s governors in building supporting regulatory frameworks for financial institutions and fintechs to flourish
ארז באום

How to get more value out of enterprise data

02.09.20|Erez Baum
A new report points to DataOps as an overlooked path to business growth
טלי קרסיק רגב

Tech employer? A financial crisis is not the right time to forego employer branding

30.08.20|Tali Karasik Regev
Some good reasons not to neglect your image in the eyes of existing and potential workers, even when the world outside is crumbling
מואב ורדי

The public deserves a healthier healthcare industry

27.08.20|Moav Gafni
he coronavirus pandemic has called the FDA's bluff. The public now knows that when necessary, it is entirely possible to make significant shortcuts that save years of development and billions of dollars
Naama Zalzman נעמה זלצמן

Your employees are your only certainty in times of crisis

27.08.20|Naama Zalzman
5 ways to motivate your employees in remote working environments
אסף וייס  מנכ"ל עמותת יוניסטרים

A renaissance of entrepreneurship and innovation is our chance to withstand the Covid-19 challenge

23.08.20|Assaf Weiss
The global crisis presents us with a load of new opportunities for online activities in the fields of commerce, education, work, and leisure
עודד יאיר Oded Yair Menuhin

Israel has an untapped resource to help your company take over the world

19.08.20|Oded Yair Menuhin
When trying to break out of their natural habitat, companies should take advantage of an underutilized asset that is free, accessible in their mother tongue, and potentially encapsulates valuable data, resources, and relevant networks-- that's right, meet your embassy
ועידת ברלין 2020 יפעת אורון

Tech is the new oil

18.08.20|Yifat Oron
Covid-19 emphasized how problematic dependency on global supply chains can be, but it is still too soon to mourn the death of globalization
גל סלומון מנכ"ל ומייסד Clew

Predictive analytics takes center stage in the fight against Covid-19 and the critically ill

17.08.20|Gal Salomon
Clew Medical's Gal Salomon discusses Covid-19 and how the pandemic has revealed vulnerabilities in healthcare systems around the world
בדיקת תשתיות תקשורת טכנולוגיית 5G של וואווי הסינית ב לונדון

Why is automation critical to 5G networks?

16.08.20|Ilan Sade
The acceleration of 5G networks and the development of new advanced technologies will force telecommunication service providers to find new ways to manage their networks and automation will be key
עמית ברוך

7 ways to foster innovation amid a crisis

16.08.20|Amit Baruch
We need to start thinking about the long term solutions to the challenges and restrictions brought about by Covid-19
גון ברנן John Brennan

Navigating the critical step of making your first cybersecurity sales hire

13.08.20|John Brennan
YL Ventures Partner John Brennan spoke with Medigate Co-Founder & CEO Jonathan Langer and EVP Global Sales Tyson Hempel about the importance of selecting the right sales hire for early-stage cybersecurity startups and how to find them.
ארז שחר קרן קומרה שיחת ועידה בנקאות חדשה

My last board meeting at Fiverr

13.08.20|Erez Shachar
"In the six years on board, I have seen Fiverr grow from a young start-up to a mature and inspiring company," writes Shachar
Victoria Lee DLA Piper

Companies must reassess IP risks in Covid-19 era

11.08.20|Victoria Lee
While companies consider how to bring employees back into offices, having some employees working from home may continue for some time
רועי בן יוסף סמסנג

The smiles may be fake but synthetic media's potential is real

10.08.20|Royi Benyossef
From providing customer intelligence while abiding with privacy regulation to engaging customers with ads filmed without actual actors or locations, deepfakes could prove a valuable and cost-effective tool for accelerating your business