
20 stories about Opinion
שלומי אורגד מנהל תחום פינטק פייסבוק ישראל

Israeli startups are leaving money on the table

09.08.20|Shlomi Orgad
Nearly three-quarters of Israeli companies’ marketing budgets are targeted at the U.S., even though operating in diverse geographical locations would mean better stability, should one market slow down due to a crisis or local unrest
Ravi Naik

Impede the motion of data—and you impede innovation

09.08.20|Ravi Naik
Why that is, and what to do about it
חקר DNA מעבדה

It’s all fun and games until someone unleashes a pandemic

07.08.20|Dov Greenbaum
Earlier this week, a fringe group of self-styled “citizen scientists” announced an experimental do-it-yourself vaccine for Covid-19. The vaccine was tested on the group members themselves, raising serious ethical, professional, and scientific concerns regarding DIY science
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How voice-activated services can revolutionize the workplace

03.08.20|Galit Galperin
The past few months have advanced the way we work a decade into the future and voice assistants, from Amazon’s Alexa to Microsoft’s Cortana, are stepping in to help employers keep their workers in sync while minimizing potentially infectious physical contact
מוסף שבועי 30.7.20 בנימין נתניהו

Warning: Governments may get hooked on helicopter money

31.07.20|Sophie Shulman
The coronavirus crisis has led Israel, the U.S., and many other nations to hand citizens cash with no strings attached. Not only is this practice contrary to common economic wisdom, but it can also prove highly addictive

Without room for greys, the global infodemic spreads faster than Covid-19

31.07.20|Dov Greenbaum
As opposing opinions on any subject, including the pandemic, are pitted against each other in a zero-sum death match, can the common citizenry correctly distinguish between true and unverified health-related information?
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EU court ruling rendering Privacy Shield null has serious implications for Israeli companies

27.07.20|Andrew Dyson and Rachel De Souza
Earlier this month, Europe's highest court declared the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield framework—meant to help companies comply with data protection requirements—to be invalid as a mechanism for transferring personal data from Europe to the U.S.
גמלים הם החדי קרן הבאים

Amid the Covid-19 crisis, it may be time to replace unicorns with camels

26.07.20|Avihai Michaeli
The current coronavirus pandemic will reveal who can cope in times of crises, and who can't
מוסף שבועי 8 .8.19 סרטים לגובה

From Seinfeld to Black Mirror: film and TV serve as valuable academic teaching materials

24.07.20|Dov Greenbaum
As reality turns closer to dystopia and fiction grows ever more real, the use of copyrighted creative works for teaching various fields grows. With the now less-than-temporary shift towards distance learning outside the classroom, new legal implications arise
קורונה נשיא סין שי ג'ינפינג  ב בייג'ינג 10.2.20

Covid-19 is a game-changer for foreign investments

19.07.20|Doron Ella
Countries fear that companies operating in sectors crucial to national security will require a quick infusion of capital through foreign investment, leading important assets in fighting off current and future health crises in the hands of out-of-state players, especially from China
תינוק אינטרנט אייפד טאבלט צעצוע

This crisis will lead to a baby boom in the tech sector

19.07.20|Eran Wagner
Government and capital should invest in young startups to plant the seeds of new post-coronavirus growth
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Hey Siri, I’m feeling down: could smart speakers serve as on-campus mental health counselors?

17.07.20|Dov Greenbaum
As student depression and anxiety reach an all-time high, colleges and universities are looking for new ways to help students cope and some are turning to technology, raising serious legal, ethical, and social concerns
סנאטור כריס ואן הולן   Chris Van Hollen

U.S. military aid must not be used to facilitate annexation

09.07.20|Chris Van Hollen
"If Netanyahu's government pushes forward annexation it will distance itself from America"
זיהוי פנים ריגול מעקב פרטיות

Unmasking the potential and risks of facial recognition technologies

06.07.20|Dov Greenbaum
While FRT is ostensibly as useful a tool in combating crime as facial masks are in stopping the spread of Covid-19, its inherent ethical issues and quickly changing science could muddy the waters for its future uses
Angela Logothetis

Covid-19 has uncovered some compelling 5G use cases

30.06.20|Angela Logothetis, CTO of Amdocs Open Network
Angela Logothetis, CTO of Amdocs Open Network, discusses some of the ways that an unexpected pandemic pushed us into a digital-first, connectivity-centric environment.
קורונה שוק מחנה יהודה ירושלים

Contact tracing apps' first task is winning the public's trust

26.06.20|Dov Greenbaum
As even seemingly benign user data can prove extremely compromising, for governments to effectively use apps to halt the spread of Covid-19, they must first prove their commitment to privacy and data security
אלון ברמן מנכל אריקסון ישראל

5G Fixed wireless access - A game-changer in the fixed broadband market

23.06.20|Alon Berman
FWA is a fast growing solution to increased demand in internet usage, particularly when a third of the population is working from home
בוט רובוט בינה מלאכותית

Makeup artists can teach an AI a thing or two about protecting its copyright

19.06.20|Dov Greenbaum
As video game popularity surges, creators must consider the legal ramifications of using AIs in the development of their games
רועי בן יוסף סמסנג

Startups, here's what you should know about telcos

18.06.20|Royi Benyossef
As the telecom providers grow their operations, they are going to need expertise in how to automate, orchestrate, and, to a lesser extent, secure their new NFV-based base stations
עמרי אורגד לומינטי נטוורקס

How economic uncertainty is pushing financial institutions towards alternative data

16.06.20|Omri Orgad
Derived from non-traditional sources for financial information, alternative data is becoming an increasingly important tool for investors, in the aftermath of Covid-19, due to a lack of relevant up-to-date data that reflects the current marketplace in real time