
20 stories about Opinion
Adam Fisher אדם פישר שותף ב venture capital firm

When Good Companies Choose Bad Names

06.06.18|Adam Fisher
Before you know it, the name that no one is particularly proud of appears emblazoned on mugs, pens, notepads, the obligatory t-shirt. A primer on naming your startups by venture capitalist Adam Fisher
יניב גולן לול ונצרס lool Ventures

Why We Decided to Invest in a Crypto Company for the First Time

04.05.18|Yaniv Golan
When it comes to money, it’s all about trust. The same goes for cryptocurrencies, writes lool Ventures co-founder Yaniv Golan
סילבסטר 2012 סידני

Peak-End Rule: Why You Make Terrible Life Choices

04.05.18|Nir Eyal
The peak-end rule says we don’t remember experiences accurately. Rather, we tend to recall the highlights and how things end
צים ספינה

In Turbulent Waters, Big Shipping Companies Turn Fast

24.04.18|Eytan Buchman
Global freight forwarders make a sharp turn in the adoption of online services. Domain-relevant startups can speed up the process
קזינו סינגפור הימורים

Infinite Scrolling Keeps Web Users At the Edge of Their Seats

13.04.18|Nir Eyal
Author Nir Eyal explores why web interface switched from clicking to infinite scrolling and how this change affects our brains
לחץ סטרט משפטים

On a Work Break? Don’t Turn to Your Phone

01.04.18|Nir Eyal
Research suggests there are right ways and not-so-good ways to spend our break time. While some breaks leave us refreshed, others tend to leave us depleted and drained
מכשיר אייפון סמארטפון סמארטפונים

Do You Get the Feeling Apps Are Getting Dumber?

01.04.18|Nir Eyal
The surprising simplicity of some of today’s top apps could be attributed to smart developers who have realized that by doing less, they can get users to do more
ראסל אלוונגר מנכ"ל טאואר

Tower Semiconductor Reveals Optimistic Forecast Despite Underwhelming First Quarter

23.03.18|Uri Tal-Tenne
After years of piling up losses and debt, in recent years Tower began reporting impressive profitability
נעם ענבר

How to Survive and Thrive in the U.S. Market

13.03.18|Noam Inbar
Noam Inbar is the head of Oracle's startup ecosystem in Israel. On Wednesday, she will participate in Calcalist's Mind the Tech conference, held this week in New York
איריס שור מייסדת אוריבי Oribi

Even ‘Boring’ Software Should Engage Users on an Emotional Level

09.03.18|Iris Shoor
Humor and charming characters help bring life to even the blandest of products
אריק קליינשטיין קרן גלילות

More Cyber IPOs Expected for 2018

25.02.18|Arik Kleinstein
Big solutions, more IPOs and products that offer comprehensive protection are among the trends for the upcoming year
טלגרם מדריך צ'ט מאובטח

Telegram ICO Could Be a Watershed Moment for Crypto

19.02.18|Aner Ravon
With investors like Sequoia and Benchmark and $850 million raised so far, Telegram’s ICO may mark the entrance of big traditional players into the crypto market
עדי לבנון

Israel Can Cook Up the Next Big Thing in Fintech

12.02.18|Adi Levanon
While it is unlikely that the country will become a global fintech hub, exciting technologies are giving rise to a bevy of fintech startups in Tel Aviv, writes venture capitalist Adi Levanon
סניף בארנס אנד נובל ב ניו יורק

For Barnes and Noble, It’s 1994 All Over Again

14.01.18|Daniel Shinar
Stock of the American bookstore chain sunk to its lowest point since 1994, largely due to competition from Amazon
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Building a Company With an Expiration Date

29.12.17|Eden Shochat
We can resolve many of the tensions in the startup world by letting companies grow until an ICO and then dissolving them
חנוך ברקת Allan Chanoch Barkat

Impact Investing is Going Mainstream

28.12.17|Allan (Chanoch) Barkat
How the motivation of generating social or environmental impacts is diversifying traditional investment strategies
ועידת לונדון איזי וידרה antidote

The Ten Tech Trends that Shaped 2017

22.12.17|Eze Vidra
As we head into 2018, Eze Vidra, the founder of Google’s Campus London, lists the trends that shaped the tech industry over the past year. From the rise of crypto to sexual misconduct, 2017 is one for the books
אורי טל טנא פרשן שוק ההון

Teva Wants to Be Like Mylan: Agile, Lean and Profitable

17.12.17|Uri Tal-Tenne
The cost-cutting plan revealed Thursday by Teva CEO Kåre Schultz showcases an intention to transform Teva into a lean and efficient generic drug company, much like main competitor Mylan
שאול אולמרט מנכל ומייסד החזירים המעופפים

The Unbearable Lightness of Being Nice

11.12.17|Shaul Olmert
Kindness is a virtue, even in business. But when asked to provide a reference, being honest is often more helpful to everyone involved