
20 stories about Privacy
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From Earth to Mars, New Agtech Developments Bring New Regulatory Hurdles

30.05.20|Dov Greenbaum
As farming IoT devices become the new norm, new regulations are required to protect farmers’ trade secrets while allowing them to migrate between technologies
מימין סלע בלונדהיים גיל פרי אלירן קוטה D-ID

Israeli Privacy Protection Startup D-ID Raises $13.5 Million

27.05.20|Meir Orbach
The company helps organizations comply with privacy regulations by fooling face recognition algorithms
עומסים כבדים התחנה המרכזית ב ירושלים קורונה

Emergency Over? Israel Wants to Extend Phone Tracking Program that Monitors Covid-19’s Spread

21.05.20|Omer Kabir
“The health ministry and the state have become enamored with the ISA’s surveillance,” says leading privacy lawyer
מימין מתן גוטמן אלי מרזל CRT

Former Israeli Watchdogs Launch Startup to Monitor Human Rights Violations in Tech

20.05.20|Sophie Shulman
CRT has formulated an ethical code and methodology through which technologies are examined to make sure they adhere to international human rights and privacy guidelines and prevent misuse
מייקל מייק רוג'רס

Former NSA Chief: Values Must Not be Compromised in the Name of Security, Not Even During a Pandemic

12.05.20|Viki Auslender
Mike Rogers, who was named head of the NSA at the height of the Snowden scandal is acutely aware of how fragile the public trust is in the intelligence entities of the democratic nations
פרופ' שפי גולדווסר

Maintaining Public Health Should not Mean the Death of Privacy, Says Turing Award Winner

09.05.20|Omer Kabir
Computer scientist Shafi Goldwasser’s startup Duality Technologies develops a technology that allows authorities to monitor the spread of coronavirus and gain meaningful insights from encrypted data, without compromising the privacy of citizens
ערב חג סדר פסח

Zoom Seders May Bring Unwanted Guests to Your Passover Dinner Table

08.04.20|Dov Greenbaum
During the coronavirus global lockdown, hundreds of millions of online meetings—including private and familial gatherings—happen on Zoom’s platform every day. With them, come great privacy and legal concerns
נפתלי בנט יו"ר מפלגת הימין החדש

New Israeli Covid-19 Infection Ranking App Reminiscent of China’s Citizen Ranking System, Experts Say

01.04.20|Omer Kabir
Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett is pushing a new system that gathers data on Israeli citizens and automatically rates their coronavirus infectability. Privacy, tech, and law experts say the system endangers democracy
קורונה ירושלים קניות בשעת חירום

Israeli Health Ministry's New Covid-19 Tracking App Malfunctions

29.03.20|Raphael Kahan
Location-based mobile app HaMagen, introduced to help curb the spread of coronavirus, wrongly informed users of being in the vicinity of a person infected with the disease
חדר בידוד קורונה ב בית החולים שיבא

Israeli Hospitals Video-Surveil Covid-19 Patients Around the Clock

22.03.20|Tomer Ganon and Anat Roeh
Of the 274 hospitalized coronavirus patients in Israel, only 34 are considered in serious or critical condition, which means nearly 90% of hospitalized cases may be under constant surveillance without medical cause
קורונה ירושלים קניות בשעת חירום

Israeli Ministry of Health Partners With GlobeKeeper for Voluntary Civilian Monitoring App

22.03.20|Meir Orbach
On Thursday, Israel’s Supreme Court ruled against emergency regulations letting the police and Shin Bet obtain information on coronavirus patients without a warrant
קונים ב שוק בעידן ה קורונה

Israel's Health Ministry Orders 400 People Into Quarantine Via SMS Texts

19.03.20|Amir Kurz, Tomer Ganon, and Omer Kabir
The texts were sent according to phone location signals, collected through hasty emergency legislation, showing these people were in close contact with confirmed coronavirus cases
ד"ר תהילה שוורץ אלטשולר המכון הישראלי לדמוקרטיה

The Government Has Turned Most Israelis Into Potential Surveillance Subjects, Says Researcher

19.03.20|Omer Kabir
Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler of the Israel Democracy Institute is one of many privacy experts and law professionals to criticize the Israeli government’s decision to use surveillance technologies on Covid-19 patients
אולם דיונים ב בית משפט עליון

New Petition Urges Israel’s Supreme Court to Stop Plans to Surveil Civilians

17.03.20|Tomer Ganon
New regulations passed by the Israeli government, bypassing parliament, let the police and Shin Bet obtain information on coronavirus patients without a warrant
קונים ב שוק בעידן ה קורונה

Israeli Government Bypasses Parliament, Approves Surveillance on Civilians to Fight Covid-19

17.03.20|Omer Kabir
After a parliamentary subcommittee refused to grant police and Shin Bet the authority to use technological means to monitor the location of coronavirus patients, the Israeli government utilized the country’s permanent state of emergency to pass the regulations
קורונה וירוס בית חולים ריק לבנון

Israel To Use “Anti-Terrorism” Digital Means to Track Corona Cases, Says Netanyahu

15.03.20|Lilach Baumer
While Israel has yet to announce the complete lockdown China enforced when the first infection cases started popping up in Wuhan, it seems to be taking a leaf from China and SARS-veterans like South Korea on another front: digital tracking and monitoring
פעילי הליכוד אחרי פרסום המדגמים בחירות 2020

Election Results Pending, One Thing Is Clear: Israel Needs Better Privacy Laws

03.03.20|Omer Kabir
The recent election brought to light many privacy-related issues that have flourished in Israel under outdated privacy laws. From the triple leak of Israel’s voting registrar to an anonymous texter that trolled Likud supporters, something needs to change
צור ימין מייסד מנכ"ל אלקטור תוכנה אפליקציות ל בחירות

Supreme Court Rejects Petition Against Campaign Management App Elector

26.02.20|Omer Kabir
The petition urged the court to stop Israel’s ruling party Likud from using the campaign management app that has been hacked multiple times
נאום הניצחון של בנימין נתניהו פריימריז ליכוד

Likud Fends Off Privacy Infringement Accusations

24.02.20|Omer Kabir
Israel’s ruling Likud party has requested the country’s Supreme Court dismiss a petition against its use of campaign management app Elector, submitted after several security vulnerabilities in the app were detected
קלפי בחירות אנשים מצביעים זירת הנדל"ן

Third Time's a Charm: Israel's Voter Registry Leaked, Again

23.02.20|Omer Kabir
Yet another vulnerability in Israel’s ruling Likud party's digital system has leaked the country’s voter registry for the third time in just two weeks