
20 stories about Rafael
הקברניט חמאס רקטות כיפת ברזל

Iranian hackers suspected of breaking into defense company Rafael's systems

01.02.22|Raphael Kahan and Udi Etsion
The hackers, who belong to the Iranian regime-supported "Moses Staff", uploaded to the Darknet examples from Rafael's database and offered up the stolen data for 100 bitcoin
מל"ט של ALTI

Avnon Group strengthens position in drone market with $7.75 million acquisition of ALTI

29.08.21|Udi Etsion
Group company iSTAR is acquiring South Africa’s ALTI, a UAV manufacturer specializing in drones that take off and land vertically
Yehuda Zisapel  Alon Ben-Zur

Rafael and RAD Bynet prepare to train Israel’s periphery in AI skills

18.08.21|James Spiro
The one-year program for recent veterans of the IDF is designed to boost the country’s northern region and shrink the talent shortage
הדמיית מערכת לייזר להגנה מפני רקטות מפא"ת

Israeli airborne laser system successfully completes first-ever interception tests

21.06.21|Udi Etsion
The High-Power Laser system was installed on an aircraft and successfully intercepted and destroyed UAVs
נגמ"ש סטרייקר

U.S. Army to buy remote-controlled weapons from Rafael for $150 million

06.06.21|Udi Etsion
The Israeli defense company, along with its American partners, will supply the U.S. Army with APC “lethal” weapons positions. Meanwhile, a deal with the U.S. Marines for Iron Dome interceptors is in the works
מערכת כיפת ברזל של רפאל משגרת טיל ליירוט רקטות במבצע שומר החומות

Rafael investing NIS 250 million to court employees

24.05.21|Udi Etsion
The company raised NIS 805 million from institutional investors in April and plans to use more than 25% of it to upgrade working conditions and recruit additional tech employees
חברת תרופות מודרנה בוסטון חיסון קורונה

Who were the investors that benefited from MyHeritage’s $600 million sale and what's so special about Rafael's new missile?

CTech Daily Roundup: Moderna’s resigning CMO says he achieved what he cared about
i-Derby-ER טיל רפאל

Rafael announces successful tests of I-Derby ER electromagnetic air-to-air missiles

Rafael’s I-Derby ER missile has a dual-pulse rocket motor and an active radar seeker, providing combat aircraft with performance advantages both at short ranges or beyond visual range
מל"ט הרמס 900

Signs of Peace? Israeli companies to openly take part in Abu Dhabi weapons exhibition

27.01.21|Udi Etsion
As part of the agreement, companies from the Gulf's defense sector will also take part in Israeli exhibition in June
הרחפן החדש של רפאל ו אנוויז'ן

Rafael showcases drones with AI-driven computer vision to aid urban warfare

27.12.20|Uti Etsion
The drones and robots will be able to scan and map buildings and mark people on the premises, identifying whether they are armed and help differentiate between innocent civilians and militants
טילי ספייק רפאל

Israel’s Rafael announces $200 million weapons deal

24.12.20|Udi Etsion
The destination for anti-tank missiles and guided bombs is reportedly India, which has faced border clashes with Pakistan and China
בדיקות קורונה ב רפאל

Defense contractor Rafael carried out Covid-19 testing blitz, finding just three cases among 3,500 employees

01.12.20|Udi Etsion
The Israeli defense systems giant completed a pilot of mass testing last week in cooperation with the IDF’s Alon Command Center
default image

What is Facebook developing in Tel Aviv and who is leasing Herons from the IAI?

CTech Daily Roundup: Rafael develops new navigation system that is immune to GPS jamming
מערכת ניווט חסינת שיבושים צה"ל רפאל

Rafael develops new navigation system that is immune to GPS jamming

20.10.20|Udi Etsion
The new system, to be used when satellite communications are down, relies on 3D imaging analysis originally developed for guided missiles
ועידת התחזיות 2018 הראל לוקר יו"ר התעשייה האווירית

IAI is looking for a partner to help it convert military tech for civilian uses

24.09.20|Udi Etzion
The quest to convert military technology for the civilian market is one that Israel’s defense industries have been on for decades, with only limited success
יריעה סולארית אפולו פאוור יריעות סולאריות אנרגיה

Solar energy company Apollo Power signs POC agreement with defense contractor Rafael

23.09.20|Lior Gutman
Rafael will pay $50,000 for tests that will examine the feasibility of integrating Apollo Power’s flexible solar panels in materials it uses for manufacturing its various defense products
זיהוי פנים ריגול מעקב פרטיות

Rafael enters the computer vision market, in talks to launch joint defense company with AnyVision

03.09.20|Golan Hazani
According to the terms of the deal, Rafael will acquire 50% of the shares of a new defense-orientated company that will be jointly founded
לוויין Lite SAT של רפאל

Who is opening a center for mini spy satellites and why does Japan's largest bank need Israeli AI?

CTech Daily Roundup: After Google, Facebook, and Twitter, Intel to allow employees to work from home until June 2021
מרכז החלל של רפאל

Rafael to open Tel Aviv space center for mini spy satellite development

09.08.20|Udi Etzion
Lite-Sats, which are set to weigh less than an average human, are seen as a partial substitute for Intelligence-gathering UAVs
מערכת כיפת ברזל ליד אשדוד טילים מ עזה 12.11.19

U.S. version of Iron Dome air defense system nears realization following Raytheon, Rafael deal

04.08.20|Udi Etsion
The new partnership, called Raytheon RAFAEL Area Protection Systems, will take place in the U.S. and will produce both the Iron Dome Weapon System, which consists of the Tamir interceptor and launcher, and the SkyHunter missile, a U.S. derivative of Tamir