
3 stories about Robotaxis
פרופ’ אמנון שעשוע מנכ"ל מובילאיי מסכם שנתיים באינטל

Mobileye Does not Take a Single Dollar From Intel, Says CEO

06.11.19|Hagar Ravet
Almost three years after its $15.3 billion acquisition by Intel, CEO Amnon Shashua stated the company is completely self-reliant, and that its revenues jumped 20% year-over-year in the third quarter of 2019
אלכסנדר היצינגר סגן נשיא פולקסווגן

Volkswagen to Test Autonomous Vehicles in Tel Aviv in 2022, Says Executive

29.10.19|Udi Etsion
Alexander Hitzinger, senior vice president of autonomous driving at the Group, told Calcalist he estimates that Volkswagen will begin offering autonomous driving-as-a-service by 2025
פרופ’ אמנון שעשוע מנכ"ל מובילאיי מסכם שנתיים באינטל

Robotaxis Are a Necessary Stepping Stone for Driverless Cars, Says Mobileye CEO

10.07.19|Omer Kabir
Commercial manufacturing of private autonomous cars will need to wait until autonomous taxis are wide-spread and entranced as an industry, Mobileye CEO Amnon Shashua wrote in an article posted to Intel’s website