Social Media

3 stories about Social Media
דרור גינזברג מנכ"ל ווצאיט

Automated Video Company Wochit Hires Storyful Executive

20.12.17|Tofi Stoler
New business development director Colm Curneen previously worked at The New York Times, The Financial Times and the International Herald Tribune
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Jerusalem's Online Intifada is Already Underway

08.12.17|Doron Peskin
President Trump succeeded in what many others have failed in recent years—raising the Palestinian issue back to the top of the Arab agenda
סנאפצ'ט snapchat

Snap Partners With Advertising Company to Boost Revenue

03.10.17|Dror Reich and Amarelle Wenkert
The social platform partners with ad-tech company Perion’s creative ad division in attempt to boost ad revenue