
3 stories about Sonar
רובוטלף רובוט של אוניברסיטת תל אביב

Tel Aviv University Develops Bat-Like Autonomous Terrestrial Robot

Dubbed “Robat”, the machine relies solely on echos and sounds to maneuver through and map environments, without requiring visual input, which makes it suitable for functioning in dark surroundings
אסדת תמר קידוח אסדה גז טבעי

Indian Navy Orders Diver Detection Devices

25.12.17|Meir Orbach
Israel-based defense contractor DSIT has partnered with Tata on the manufacturing of the underwater security systems
בוגאטון Bugatone נועם פטרנק

China’s Oppo Invests in Startup that Turns Any Earphone into a Sonar Device

14.12.17|Meir Orbach
Israel-based Bugatone develops software that enables headphones to act as sensors and pick up biometric information from users