Sophie Shulman

5 stories about Sophie Shulman
איטורו Etoro

eToro valued at $2.5 billion in massive $120 million secondary deal

31.07.23|Sophie Shulman
The buyers in the transaction are two of the largest investors from the company's previous funding round
מוסף שבועי 27.7.23 בני הזוג עדי ויצהנדלר ו מאיר שטייגמן מייסדי הסטארט אפ וואלו

"Many techies could have been very wealthy, but they didn't understand the situation in the market"

31.07.23|Sophie Shulman
Adi Weitzhandler and Meir Steigman, a husband and wife, co-founded Valoo to connect buyers and sellers of stocks in private tech companies, while attempting to solve the question of how much Israeli tech startups are truly worth
מוסף שבועי 21.3.19 ד.נ.א גיל שוויד

Gil Shwed: "I don't know if today I would register Check Point in Israel"

26.07.23|Sophie Shulman
"I have been keeping my opinions to myself for 30 years. I wish that if I voiced my opinion it would make a difference to someone, unfortunately it will not have an effect," the CEO of Check Point added
כנס קנאביס canabiz פרי דוידסון סאייקי מדיקל

Philip Morris acquiring Cannabis inhaler developer Syqe Medical for up to $650 million

18.07.23|Sophie Shulman
The Israeli company’s main product is a metered-dose inhaler for pain reduction treatment using medical cannabis