
5 stories about Spam
חנות אפליקציות גוגל פליי Google Play

Google to pay millions in Play Store settlement in Israel

06.02.25|Omer Kabir
Court-approved agreement grants refunds to users misled by auto-renewing app subscriptions.
Gil Friedrich Avanan

Check Point acquiring Avanan for $300 million, its biggest purchase in over a decade

30.08.21|Sophie Shulman
The cloud-email security vendor has developed a patented application-programming interface (API) solution to stop email threats before they arrive in the inbox
מטה קספרסקי מוסקבה סייבר אבטחת מידע

Kaspersky: 120 Million Phishing Attacks Worldwide in Q1, Israelis Targeted Twice as Much as 2019

According to a new report by the cybersecurity company, spam makes up 45.24% of all email transactions in Israel
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Israelis Receive 8.5 Spam Calls a Month, According to Truecaller

19.12.18|Lilach Baumer
The country ranked last among the top 20 countries affected by spam calls in 2018, according to a new report released by the company
סינים סמארטפון סין רכבת

A Safety Checklist for Mobile Marketers

15.10.17|Zachi Zach
Do not do on mobile what you wouldn’t do on the web