Startup Boarding Pass

20 stories about Startup Boarding Pass
GeneNeer Founders

Israeli startup raises $2.4 million to be the “Pfizer” of crop seed innovation

GeneNeer develops expedited, precisely-controlled gene editing and rapid gene discovery to support global food security and nutrition.
Team Me

How Team Me tackles the Gen-Z recruitment challenge

The company has raised a total of $450,000 for its platform helping personalize the job recruitment scene
Fungit Team

Israel-based Fungit has a mission to feed billions of people around the world

The company has raised a total of $500,000 to tap into the $2 billion bio-fungicide market and help improve the shelf life of fruits and vegetables.
Team Colors AI

“An investor swiftly grasped the Israeli situation when he saw me in uniform”

In 2023, Colors AI emerged from stealth with a pre-seed round of $200,000. Soon after, its founders found themselves serving the country in the battlegrounds

Creation-Space has raised $1 million for SpaceTech and fighting climate change

The company claims to be one of the first Israeli companies established solely to build and accelerate an ecosystem that is dedicated to space technologies.
GorillaLink Team

GorillaLink’s Satellite Emergency Hotspot can help connect those in danger

The company has raised a total of $2 million and is developing a new dedicated product for emergencies following 7/10.
Samplead Team

“Samplead is rooted in transforming B2B sales development.”

The company has raised a total of $750,000 to develop its AI-driven sales development representative Team raises $6 million in Seed for its API Consumption Management solution

Gartner researchers found a 94% adoption rate of third-party APIs - and the company is here to help manage them.
AnyBook Team

AnyBook is aiming to be “the Netflix or Spotify” of publishing

The company has raised a total of $2 million to help revolutionize the publishing industry
Nimrod Dor SimpleClosure

SimpleClosure removes the taboo around closing down a business

The company has raised a total of $1.5 million to help organizations shutter their doors in a safe and easy way
Winest Founders

The Winest is here to help us stop whining about wine

The company has raised a total of $800,000 to become a digital sommelier for wine lovers
MadeRight Founders

MadeRight is harnessing fungi to create sustainable food packaging

The company has raised a total of $2 million to tap into the $350 billion food packaging market
althea medical

Althea Medical looking to prevent number one cause of preventable hospital death

The company has raised a total of $1.5 million for its solution to treat pulmonary embolism, a condition where a blood clot blocks the pulmonary arteries
 Dio Tree Team

“Imagine a scenario where a single drug could alter the course of a patient's battle with cancer”

Dio Tree has raised $400,000 for its efforts to treat ovarian cancer - something that affects 300,000 women globally each year.
SightBit Team

SightBit seas a future in revolutionizing lifeguard technology

The company has raised $2 million to try to prevent the third leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide - drowning
ThermoTerra Founders

ThermoTerra's hot new tech will keep our buildings cool in the face of climate change

The company has raised $500,000 to help tap into a $270 billion global heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) market
IntraGel Founders

Intragel hopes to treat the 10% of inoperable cancer patients

The company has raised a total of $2 million for its first product, TumoCure, designed for solid tumors found in more than 17 million people.
Dima Liora Ashraf UB-Therapeutics

This company is fighting against cancer drug resistance

UB-Therapeutics has raised nearly half a million dollars to address the issue of drug resistance in multiple myeloma cancer
Sharon Lyora Ofra Emris

“We can bring relief, improve quality of life, and ensure better compliance with treatment for cancer patients”

EMRIS Pharma has raised $422,000 to help enhance the quality of life for cancer patients by preventing skin toxicities induced by EGFR inhibitors
gigaroo founders

“We are here to change the broken service industry”

gigaroo has raised $2.6 million to help Gen-Z find and retain their first jobs