7 stories about TECH TLV
כנס TECH TLV -  רינת זילברשטיין סגנית נשיא ומנכ"לית מרכז המו"פ של AT&T בישראל

"Once quantum computers are operational, they could potentially breach all existing encrypted communications"

14.01.25|Maya Nahum Shahal
Rinat Zilberstein, AT&T Israel General Manager and VP R&D at AT&T, added: "With any groundbreaking development, there comes responsibility. It’s crucial that we ensure quantum technology does not lead to harm or pose risks to humanity."
TECHTLV גרי ליבנת מנכ"ל UBS Wealth Management ישראל

Gerry Livnat: UBS to establish R&D center in Israel

03.11.21|Almog Azar
The General Manager of UBS Wealth Management Israel made the announcement at the Calcalist Tech TLV conference, emphasizing Israel’s role as a cyber hub