20 stories about UAE
מטוס F-35 אדיר חיל האוויר 2

Who is aiming for a $100 million IPO and why shouldn't the UAE receive F-35s?

CTech Daily Roundup: Normalization is great, but UAE must not receive U.S. F-35s, warns former Israeli general
אלן פלד ו יפעת אורון ועידת האמירויות

Israel Arab sector presented with huge opportunity in UAE deal

26.08.20|Meir Orbach
Alan Feld, co-founder and Managing Partner at Vintage Investment Partners, and Yifat Oron, Leumitech CEO, believe that the agreement could prove to be significant for the local tech market already in the near future
עמוס גלעד כנס סיפוח ביטחון

Normalization is great, but UAE must not receive U.S. F-35s, warns former Israeli general

26.08.20|Meir Orbach
Amos Gilead says U.S. must keep to its obligations of not selling balance breaking weapons systems to other countries in the region
אייל יוניאן משנה למנכ"ל התעשייה האווירית ועידת האמירויות

Opportunities in the Gulf: The UAE has an appetite for advanced technologies, says IAI deputy CEO

26.08.20|Meir Orbach
Eyal Younian, deputy CEO of state-owned defense contractor Israel Aerospace Industries spoke Wednesday at Calcalist’s online conference on the business potential the UAE presents for Israel
שמוליק ארבל תמונה חדשה

Israel’s Bank Leumi negotiating collaboration with Emirati bank, reveals Leumi exec

26.08.20|Meir Orbach
“We, at Leumi, believe there is a golden opportunity for collaborations here and we intend to be an active party,” said Shmulik Arbel
שיגור לוויין הריגול אופק 16 5.7.20

What is Israel's new spy satellite photographing and who is the country's latest unicorn?

CTech Daily Roundup: Redis Labs completes $100 million funding round making it Israel’s newest Unicorn
אוניה של צים ב נמל חיפה ים אניה

Israeli-Emirati agreement could give ZIM’s IPO some backwind

25.08.20|Golan Hazani
On Monday, it was reported the Israeli shipping company is considering to go public in 2021 and, according to several people who spoke on condition of anonymity, it is aiming for a $1 billion valuation
צים ספינה

How high is the potential of Israel-UAE trade and what valuation is ZIM aiming for?

CTech Daily Roundup: Israel-UAE trade potential is north of $500 million, says Israeli chief economist
שירה גרינברג כלכלנית ראשית ב משרד אוצר

Israel-UAE trade potential is north of $500 million, says Israeli chief economist

24.08.20|Avior Abou
Shira Greenberg, the chief economist at the Israeli Ministry of Finance, spoke at Calcalist’s online conference on Israeli exports during the Covid-19 era
Vijay Tirathrai TechStars Dubai

Israeli and UAE Techstars leaders excited by opportunities new deal offers

23.08.20|Allon Sinai
"This paves the way for investment flows across the two states and allows for deeper relations and friendship and it allows for stability and peace in the longer term," said Vijay Tirathrai, head of Abu Dhabi Techstars hub
לוגו משרד אפל Apple באזל שוויץ

Which Israeli company has been acquired by Apple and when will Tesla finally launch in Israel?

CTech Daily Roundup: Apple secretly acquired Israeli photography startup Camerai
פיני מידן שני איש עסקים שפועל באיחוד האמירויות

“UAE-Israel agreement can be a bridge to normalizing ties with Saudi Arabia”

20.08.20|Diana Bahur Nir
Pini Meidan Shani who represents Israeli cyber companies in the UAE spoke to Calcalist about the practical significance of the deal and other regional peace prospects
David Hodak GKH דוד חודק

Normalization in action: GKH Law Offices to hold joint tech webinar with UAE law firm BSA

20.08.20|James Spiro
Dubai investors to potentially pour billions of dollars into Israeli tech, says head of GHK’s tech and VC department
הקברניט F35 לוקהיד מרטין

How did Israelis secretly build up the UAE’s military capabilities and why is Teva in trouble?

CTech Daily Roundup: Report: Secret clause of Israel-UAE deal lifts U.S. embargo on sale of F-35s to the Gulf state
מייסדים אריאלי קפיטל אור חביב אריק בנטוב

Arieli Capital and Ramat Hanegev promote collaboration with UAE on desert agriculture

UAE representatives were the ones who sought out the initial contact with the Ramat Hanegev Innovation Center and several meetings have already taken place in Europe
מלון ריקסוס rixos דובאי איחוד האמירויות

Israeli tourist agency seals exclusive deal with Emirati luxury hotel chain

18.08.20|Navit Zomer
The price for a five-day family package, which includes return flights from Tel Aviv to Abu Dhabi or Dubai, will stand at $1,389-$1,639 per person
אבו דאבי איחוד האמירויות קו רקיע

Friendly adversaries: How Israelis secretly helped build up the UAE’s military capabilities

18.08.20|Udi Etsion
Companies like Aeronautics and Logic, took part in the Gulf State's biggest defense projects all while keeping an extremely low profile
איחוד האמירויות

Deals under the radar: These are the Israeli tech companies already operating in the UAE

18.08.20|Sophie Shulman, Hagar Ravet, Meir Orbach
Cooperations in the fields of insurtech, biomedicine, fintech, agtech and cyber lead the way, but the potential for future purchases and investments is vast
מטוס החמקן F35 של חברת לוקהיד מרטין

Report: Secret clause of Israel-UAE deal lifts U.S. embargo on sale of F-35s to the Gulf state

UAE ruler conditioned the peace deal on its ability to purchase advanced weapons system; Prime Minister’s Office says Israel hasn’t changed its policy
יקי ינאי מנכ"ל חברת הביו-טכנולוגיה פלוריסטם

Israeli-based Pluristem and Abu Dhabi Stem Cells Center sign deal to collaborate in development of cell therapies

Agreement comes just days after Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) announce intention to fully normalize diplomatic relations