
6 stories about Ventilators
מימין: מנכ"ל רימון יוסי אלמלם  ו אהרון שפירא

Intel project shake-up slashes Pach Taas’s valuation in $44M sale

10.03.25|Golan Hazani
Rimon acquires 50% stake in Pach Taas after Intel contract revision impacts deal terms.
קורונה בית ספר ברמת גן ריק 15.3.20

Number of Covid-19 Cases in Israel Continues Downwards Trend

23.04.20|Adi Pick
According to Israel’s Ministry of Health, the number of Israelis who have recovered from the virus now stands at 5,334, while 191 people have died from the disease throughout the country so far
עובדי מדטרוניק מכונות הנשמה

A 100-Kilometer Commute to Save Israel's Aging Ventilator Machines

06.04.20|Udi Etsion
With less than a month to retirement, Rudin Rosenzweig, the head of Medtronic’s Israel lab, makes the long daily commute to fix old decommissioned ventilators and help the country meet its Covid-19 needs
כפפות חד פעמיות מסכות קורונה

The Israeli Development That Could Produce Hundreds of Ventilators a Day

29.03.20|Adi Pick
The ventilator, being developed by Microsoft’s local team, uses a manual respiration balloon and operates it autonomously
משה בר סימן טוב מסיבת עיתונאים על נגיף קורונה

Israel Is at a Critical Time for its Covid-19 Response, Says Health Official

26.03.20|Zvi Zerahia
According to Moshe Bar-Siman-Tov, director-general of the Israeli health ministry, Israel is seeing the number of its confirmed cases double every three days
אהוד דוידסון פרופסור מנהל מרכז רפואי סורוקה

Coronavirus Will Stay in Israel for at Least Three Months, Says HMO Head

22.03.20|Adrian Filut
According to Ehud Davidson, head of Israeli HMO Clalit, his organization has enough protective gear to cover all relevant personnel, and eight labs capable of running 1,200 tests a day