Western Negev

2 stories about Western Negev
Keren Halperin, Place-IL

Rebuilding tech in the Negev: “Working in tech offers the best chance at social mobility in Israel”

24.07.24|Ariela Karmel
Place-IL CEO Keren Halperin-Musseri spoke to CTech about their efforts to revive the tech industry in the Western Negev through matching employees with tech companies and also through the new co-working space that they have opened in Sderot to help keep tech workers in the region. 
פרויקט ישע של חברת אנלייט

Enlight launches two solar fields in Gaza envelope amid war

08.07.24|Adiel Eithan Mustaki
Enlight’s facilities, which will be operated commercially, were established near Yesha and Re'im. In total, five facilities will be established in the area surrounding Gaza.