Zero Trust

3 stories about Zero Trust
Cyolo team

Cyolo raises $60 million Series B for zero trust network access solution

28.06.22|Meir Orbach
The Israeli startup helps organizations in the IT and OT spaces to enable all users, including employees, third parties, and remote and on-site workers, to seamlessly and securely connect to their working environments
Eyal Balicer Citi

If nothing is trustworthy in cyberspace, does AI even have a chance?

11.08.21|Eyal Balicer
“The challenge to embed trust into complex and automated AI-driven processes is a cross-industry phenomenon, as it ultimately stems from AI’s unique and inherent characteristics,” writes Eyal Balicer of Citi
מייסדי חברת הסייבר Cyolo אלמוג אפיריון דדי ירקוני ערן שמואלי

Cyber startup Cyolo raises $21 million Series A for Zero Trust solution

28.07.21|Meir Orbach
The Israeli startup aims to accelerate the growth of cloud-based zero trust models with a platform-agnostic solution that reduces the risk to an organization's digital assets and data