e-commerce conference

3 stories about e-commerce conference
איקומרס מקומי קום אפי דהן סגן נשיא ב PayPal העולמית

PayPal VP: "We have 430 million customers who would be happy to buy from Israelis."

02.07.24|Hagay Gilboa
Efi Dahan, Vice President, General Manager Central Eastern Europe & Israel at PayPal, was speaking at the Google and Calcalist e-commerce conference. According to him, a third of the Israeli businesses that sell abroad started doing so in the last year.
איקומרס מקומי קום טל שניר Director Google Shopping

"AI helps consumers and brands be more specific, creative and productive"

02.07.24|Maya Nahum Shahal
Tal Snir, Director of Product Management at Google Shopping, demonstrated at the Google and Calcalist e-commerce conference how AI improves the visibility and quality of images, creates 3D graphics, and enables brands to produce catalogs where anyone can be the model.