11.01.24|Meir OrbachThe Gibraltar-based company laid off dozens of employees in Israel last January as well
06.02.22|Meir OrbachThe Israeli company, which branched off Natural Intelligence, develops a platform for social sports betting experiences
19.09.21|Jan Feuerhake and Nathan KrapivenskyIsrael has long been one of the world's leading exporters of online gambling and casino companies, a sector that has boomed during the pandemic
07.01.21|Omri Rosen and Amit KlingSciPlay, an online American social casino platform, became one of the hottest trends in gaming this past year. CEO Josh Wilson spoke about his plans to expand SciPlay’s Israeli branch
06.01.19|Hezi SternlichtThe London-headquartered company is currently holding talks with underwriters, according to one person familiar with the matter
29.07.18|CTechOnline gambling company Playtech announced the acquisition in April. Its mandatory takeover offer was approved by the regulator in late June
12.04.18|Amarelle WenkertPlaytech, the world's largest provider of online gambling services, said the deal would enhance its revenue mix towards regulated markets